~Chapter 42~

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Everyone was sitting at the mega desk as Matthias gave the fans a recap before he messaged John Doe. Matt: What's going on? Matthias sent to him as the group talked before seeing a response from John Doe, John Doe: I've been compromised. Matt: What? John Doe: I can't chat long, I'm sure they'll trace this. Matthias read the last message to the group as he was confused while he sat there looking at that message before he responded to him. Matt: Who? Who found you out? Matthias sent back to him confused before waiting for John Doe to respond which didn't take long. John Doe: It's complicated, I can no longer contact you to the extent that I once was. And, I have a favor. Matthias and everyone were confused before he responded to him. Matt: YOU have a favor? Matthias responded to him as they talked about how he had a favor before discussing that it could depend on it since the last time they had a favor didn't go as well as John Doe's response back to him. John Doe: I managed to secure all the evidence concerning Syntec that you gave me. I have it, but I know with me, it won't be safe. I want to return it to you. 

After seeing that response everyone got more confused before explaining how Double X was breaking into their studio as River agreed with her before Matthias responded to John Doe. Matt: Return it? John Doe: I will email you the coordinates, be sure to delete the email immediately. Matthias read the response as he spoke about how it was unfair to them about it before he responded to him. Matt: Wait, you can't just throw this on us after weeks and weeks of not responding to us. What about the body outline? You said you knew who it was. John Doe: If you promise me you'll meet me, I can tell you what I found out. John Doe responded to him before Matthias and his group discussed the response they got, thinking it was a good idea since they might go to meet in person as Matthias responded to him. Matt: Fine. John Doe: The outline belonged to one... Nelson Syphys. When Matthias and his team got the response they were surprised before River spoke. "Syphus was killed? How??" River asked confused as she looked at the screen from her seat as Matthias responded to John Doe. 

Matt: What? Syphus is dead? John Doe: I cannot say more. The minute I was able to run that outline, I knew I was being hunted. Please meet me at the location. Be safe, I cannot say how many eyes are indeed on us. After the conversation with John Doe, everyone got into Matthias's car as they began driving to the location that John Doe gave them while talking in the car about John Doe has been giving them the most information to them without betraying them while talking about how he could be on the run from Syntec or someone which made most of them confused. River sat there looking out the window as thoughts ran around in her head, she was also confused about how John Doe could be in a dangerous situation it makes no sense to her. When they arrived at the location John Doe told them to meet at, they saw his police car as they pulled over near the police car, seeing that no one was inside as he got confused. After getting out of the car, Matthias went to see if he could find John Doe anywhere, seeing that no one could find him while they looked at the police car. When they opened the door, they decided to look through seeing if they could find their things and any documents for them. 

They decided to check the car, finding things like an evidence chain of custody tracking form as Bailey read it. "Red box full of keys, black journal," Bailey explained as Matthias took the document from her before he spoke. "Empty safe gun, safe with a syringe, RFID scanner, binoculars, computer tape recorder, miscellaneous paperwork. It's all our stuff." Matthias explained as Bailey ended up finding the chat logs as she looked at it seeing that it started with Deb. "Project 863 is fully in motion. I have successfully integrated Subjects 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. They will help among their peers. Please trust them. They can be stubborn but I know they will choose the right path in the end. Subject 1 is their leader. He doesn't trust as easily but he always looks out for his team. You can gain his trust by being as honest as you possibly can and not putting them in any unnecessary danger." Bailey spoke as Matthias looked at it before he spoke. "So Deb is talking to John here," Matthias spoke as River nodded before taking the document to read the next information about them.

"Subject 2 is brimming with positivity and courage but I fear that it is sometimes misplaced. She is an emotional pillar and that can be dangerous. I guess she just smacks talking everyone." River spoke looking at Sam as Sam responded to her. "I don't know, I want to think that it's a good thing," Sam responded before Bailey took back the document from River to read the next subject. "Subject 3 is curious and brave but can be rash. I fear that a time will come when he is pushed too far and does something unthinkable. Subject 5 recently joined the others in the adventures. She can remain quiet most times but can also provide good help to the team, be cautious with this one. She just like Subject 1 would do anything to keep her team safe." Bailey spoke as River looked at it before she spoke. "Wow okay just like call me out, that works too." River spoke as she chuckled some before Bailey begin reading the rest of the document. "Subject 4 is brilliant. They are the other safety net but I see issues arising with how much information they look for. Time will tell, look out for them in my stead they are still mostly unaware of Syntec's dark history but I have faith they will uncover it bit-by-bit at the correct time." Bailey spoke as Matthias looked at it beside her before she continued reading.

"You know the shadows will come for them... I cannot protect them for that alone, will prevent them from ending this once and for all. I hope to speak to you again soon, old friend. -D." Bailey finished reading the document which caused Sam to speak as she looked at them while holding the camera. "So clearly they knew each other well," Sam spoke as Matthias nodded taking the documents from Bailey as he put it into his jacket pocket before going back to search for more things that John Doe wanted to give to them as Woods found a file as he gave it to Matthias while he began to read the document and title of the file. "P2014-567. Who is deceased, name Nelson Syphus." Matthias spoke looking at the document as River glanced over at it from Matthias's shoulder as she spoke. "So Syphus is dead." River spoke as Matthias nodded before explaining how it was his death certificate from 2014 when the autopsy occurred before he continued reading the document. "Rigor Mortis advanced. What does that mean? Does it mean that the body had been decaying a lot before they found it? Probable Cause of Death, poisoning." Matthias spoke as Sam thought about it for a moment before she spoke looking at them.

"B27 was talking about how he didn't want to report things to his boss like don't make me tell Syphus," Sam spoke as Matthias nodded before Woods decided to speak as he looked at them. "So he has just been trying to please his dead boss," Woods spoke looking at them as Matthias shrugged his shoulders before explaining how they have been fighting an invisible villain since B27 was in jail he must have been a minion as they continued searching the car while River watched Woods try to open the trunk, it didn't work since it was locked as Matthias looked at more files as he spoke. "Email deb@syntecinc.org, phone number we have to censor and our address we have to censor that too. Deborah's last name is non-given. That was most of the information in this." Matthias spoke closing the file as he looked into the police car as Woods tried getting the trunk unlocked while Matthias sat in the passenger seat as he looked at things in there like a newspaper from November as he got confused why John Doe would need an old newspaper as he began to look more through the car. After a second Woods was able to get the trunk unlocked with the help of Matthias as they began looking through the trunk of the cop car.

While searching, they were able to find the journal in the trunk as Woods picked it up looking at it. "Where is everything else?" River asked confused looking at them as she stood with them at the trunk. "That's it," Woods explained to her as everyone got frustrated as they stood there before Sam spoke. "How is that the only piece of evidence that he still has??" Sam asked confused as Bailey explained how there were other things so it could still be missing or could have been stolen as they talked about how if John Doe did take it, why would he take it as Woods began walking away as he spoke. "But why wouldn't he tell us that? Why is the only thing left is a blank journal, that we've been through numerous times." Woods asked frustrated as River shrugged her shoulders looking back at him as Matthias explained how it was the same one before they suggested trying to contact him before Matthias checked his phone, seeing a message from someone as he read it. "By now I'm sure you found what's left. I need to go into hiding I know that I'm in danger at this point. Be sure to check the trunk there might be some stuff left to help you if it wasn't taken." Matthias spoke, going to continue what was sent to him.

 If you get stuck always remember that Deb probably has the information stored in her files. I'm sorry but I need to kill this email, good luck." Matthias spoke, reading the final message from John Doe as River sighed."Well, there goes our contact with John Doe." River mumbled looking at them as they talked about how he just left and all that they had was an empty journal while River went to sit on the ground looking at the group. She was surprised that all they were left with was the empty journal they had so she knew the group was probably furious. 

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