~Chapter 30~

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Matthias decided to playback the audio as they heard the same thing that they heard last time Woods was shocked as Sam said how it directly mentions Woods's name while Matthias spoke. "How do we know it said that, maybe something else was said right? Like what if, I don't know I'm losing my mind here." Matthias spoke as Woods got confused on why it was directions as Matthias asked how it was directions before he spoke. "We can make a bunch of assumptions before we actually know what this is," Matthias spoke as Bailey decided to respond back to him. "I think we have to follow the directions somehow, I mean whatever it leads to something with Woods," Bailey spoke as Woods ended up getting out mentioning how he needed a moment before leaving the room River sighed knowing she was going to talk with him about it later as Matthias spoke to the others left in the room. 

"Do I have a choice here in all of this chaos? Do we just shut down or does it follow us? If we do shut this down, how do we know we won't just start-up business again in another Syntec location. We might not even have control of the actions we are taking ever. Now one of my best friends has quit. I don't have a choice anymore, it's been like this for over a year. Every time I try to make a choice I'm somehow back where I started. We need to take a break." Matthias spoke before leaving the office as River went to go find Woods. When she was able to find him she walked over to him and sat with him. "What am I going to do? What does this thing want with me." Woods spoke when he finally broke the silence as River looked at him. "I don't know honestly Woods, it could be a joke or anything." She responded as he nodded before responding back to her. "I don't know what to do," Woods responded as River put a hand on his shoulder as she sat with him. "Well don't worry, you aren't going through this alone. I'll be with you okay?" River told him as he nodded while the two sat together.

The next day River and Woods had been sitting on the Dope or Nope couch working, she had been staying around him to give him comfort for the most part as Matthias walked over to them. "Hey, Woody and Rio. You up for putting this on today?" Matthias asked looking at Woods as he held up the mic pack while Woods nodded taking it from him as Matthias looked at him curiously. "What are you editing?" Matthias asked curiously as Woods responded back to him while putting on his mic. "Thumbnail. For a video reacting to awful commercials." Woods responded as Matthias asked if it was for his channel as Woods nodded looking at him before Matthias spoke to the camera. "Check it out, go subscribe to Woods. Not because I feel guilty but because he has great content. I believe in you, you wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in you and if I didn't need you." Matthias spoke as Woods nodded getting his mic put on as he spoke. "I want to know what's going on and why I'm at the end of it," Woods spoke as Matthias nodded before talking about how it could be hooked on phonic.

After getting the mics on they went to get Bailey before going to the mega desk to listen to the recording again. Once they were able to get a better understanding of the recording they decided to go to Red Base to start from the room that the voices had been coming from but before they did they joked about the decorations beside one of the words written on the wall in the base. When they got upstairs Matthias ended up pulling up the audio as they all followed him back downstairs in the direction the audio is telling them as they end up going out the door.  When they left the building they had begun to follow the directions out again as they ended up following him as they ended up going towards the road before he stopped before they decided to go to Matthias's car to see if that's what was happening. Everyone got into Matthias's car before going to the checkpoint of the last place before he started up the directions again as he followed them. 

They continued following the directions of the audio as they talked with one another, following the directions it tells them to go as River began to notice it was the direction of their apartment as Woods explained how it was in the area of his home as everyone continued to talk while following the directions of the audio. They ended up in the apartment complex of Woods's place before ending with Hello Woods like they heard as River sighed putting her face into her hands while Woods sighed. "It's trying to say it knows where I live," Woods spoke as Matthias responded about how it could be saying something else as River shook her head before Woods told him to stop the car as Woods got out of the car as River got out with him quickly as she followed him to the curb of the car as Bailey asked about hearing noises in his apart as he shook his head before telling Sam to stop filming them as Matthias sat in the car while Sam and Bailey went back to the car as River sighed looking at him.

"Woods we can't keep doing this, this is too far it's gotten to the apartment complex, where we both live." River explained looking at him as he nodded looking at her as he stood there. "We don't have to keep doing this all, we can just leave and focus on other things." He responded as River nodded seeing Matthias walk over to the two before Woods spoke. "I don't know but this is metaphorically and literally too close to home. I'm extremely overwhelmed, what does it want with me?" Woods spoke as Matthias shrugged his shoulders as Woods sighed before speaking again. "I'm scared, I don't know how much of this I can do. I need some time to step back from this." Woods spoke as Matthias mentioned a break which made River shake her head. "A break won't fix this Matt, whoever is in the recording knows where we live." River spoke as Woods nodded agreeing with him as he added on to what she said. "It's the studio, it's Syntec. I don't want any more of this, I don't know about her but it's too close." Woods spoke as River looked at him agreeing with what he said as Matthias looked at them before he spoke.

"I don't want any more of this either, that's why we are doing this to get rid of it. To stop this." Matthias spoke as River shook her head looking at him as Woods responded back to him. "I think this is the end for me... I feel like this should be the end for myself and for River." Woods spoke as he glanced over at River as she nodded agreeing with him as Matthias looked at them as he spoke. "What are you saying?" Matthias asked confused as River looked at him before responding back to him. "We quit, Matt. That's what we are saying." River spoke looking at him as he responded with a fine before the two left as they heard Sam call for them but neither responded. When they got back to their place River went to her room to sit on the bed as she thought about everything as she figured Woods probably did the same. 

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