~Chapter 3~

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It had been a few weeks since River was hired for working at the office. Matthias, Sam, Woods, and River would usually meet up with them or text one another just to make sure everyone was safe. She had been driving to the office after picking up some drinks for them as she make sure she wasn't being followed by anyone. When she got to the studio, she saw that everyone had been all outside of the studio as she got confused, getting out of her car going over to Matthias and everyone else. 

"Matt, what's going on?" River asked the male as he noticed someone had been missing. "Where is Woods??" He asked looking around as River looked in the smoke-filled building before covering her mouth and nose, grabbing her phone as light as she ran inside the building in an attempt to find Woods as Sam and Matthias followed her. "Where is he?" River yelled out as she looked around before hearing Matthias, "Upstairs." Matthias yelled back as River quickly went up the stairs into the meeting room seeing Woods was on the ground. 

Matthias shook Woods until he had woken up while Sam had the phone light as River helped get Woods woken up and helped him sit up after getting him awake as Matthias put the gas mask over Wood's head. "He's bleeding.." Matthias said to the others as River noticed that the computer had been on before they all heard a noise. "Why is the computer on and what is that noise??" She asked confused as they all tried helping Woods up as Sam went over to the computer.

"Guy's he has the coordinates." Sam said to the others as River spoke up, "We have to go after him, like now!" River said as Matthias nodded before he went to get the door unlocked so they could get first aid for Woods. When they got into the room, Matthias had grabbed the first aid kit as River took it from him so he could wash his hands while River worked on cleaning his head as Matthias went to wash his hands. 

When they got to the car, Woods had an ice pack with him as the rest got into the car. "The smoke had to been him," Matthias said as they all got into the car, they had begun to talk about how he was able to get into base as Matthias continued driving to the location. "Wait, the serum was in Sam's office. So there might be a chance that he went there to find it.." Woods said out loud as they all realized. "Yeah, and when Woods got into the conference room, he must have just knocked him out. So there is a possible chance we lost another serum." Sam said out loud as the group sighed. 

"I didn't see if your door was opened or not Sam," Woods said as Matthias got to the area as he stopped his car at the fence, seeing that it was closed as Matthias got out of the car to see if it was locked. River was able to notice that the lock was busted open as she showed it to Sam. When they got near the location they got out of the car, as they began to walk up to the location since the car wouldn't be able to get up there on its own. 

Matthias and the rest looked around the area as he broke the silence in the area. "Part of me thinks something is wrong," Matthias said as River looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" She asked curiously as Matt spoke up again, "The place is desolate, I don't see any sign of anyone being here." Matthias said as they walked together being cautious since they didn't know what would be there when they got to the location.

"it's probably somewhere near the water tower," Matthias told the group as they nodded. They got to the top seeing the name 'Silo' on the water tower as Matthias got confused, "Silo? What is that?" He asked confused as Sam responded to him, "It says that's where the coordinates are.." Sam responds looking at him as he nodded. Matthias had stopped the group in order to check around the surrounding area as the group got nervous while Matthias checked the area around the water tower. 

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