chapter 3

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"How's the food kids?" Jungwon's mom asked, walking out of the kitchen as she added some more plates on the dining.

"The fish is fantastic," Jungwon remarked, making his mom staring to smile in response. " It's so good mom, right Jimin?"he turned towards the boy beside him who had been picking on his food since the beginning.

"Hmm, it's okay..." he mumbled and took a small bite, still staring down at his food. Haeun's smile slowly fading away.

"You don't like it?" she asked with a concerned face.

Jimin let out a sigh and raised his head. "I just don't like fish in general. Don't worry it's not about your cooking Haeun-sshi, You cook awesome." He blinked an eye at her with his usual compliments.

"You'll never change." she laughed and patted his head.

"So Jungwon," Jimin started, playing with the wish in his plate. "Where's your Dad? Won't he eat with us?"

"Oh no.." Haeun said as she sat down on the other side of the dinning. We already had out lunch. These are just for you guys,"

Jimin nodded and kicked Jungwon's leg under the table. Jungwon turned his head at Jimin in confusion. Jimin gesturing him something and he was quick to get it. " can I get some water?" he asked.

"Sure. You want some too, Jimin?" she asked and he nodded at her with a fake smile.

His smile fading down as she turned around and headed to the kitchen. Jungwon leaned near Jimin and whispered. "What?"

"I saw your Dad." he whispered back.

"What? Where?" Jungwon asked.

"By the window earlier. I thought he was a ghost or something at first but then turned out he was your Dad. By the way he was hot. You sure he is your Dad?"

Jungwon raised and eyebrow at him. "What do you mean? Of course he's my Dad.."

"No I mean he was really good looking and look at your mom-"

Jungwon slapped his arm quickly. "You brat. Don't you dare call my mom ugly." he scolded him.

"I didn't. You did it yourself," Jimin grinned.

Haeun entered in the room again and saw the two boys bickering about something. "Hey boys....what's wrong?" she asked with a worried expression.

"Jungwon said he wants more fish." Jimin laughed.

"What? I never said that!"

"But you said you liked the fish earlier..."

Jungwon frowned and gave Jimin a death glare. "You my boy....are in trouble." he clenched his teeth, earning an eyeroll from Jimin. He always does that when he wants to show he doesn't care.

"So Jimin..." Haeun called him. He raised his head to her. "How's your mother? Is she still in Texas?"

As soon as he heard that he bit his lip and looked down at his food again. "I don't know. Maybe?" he mumbled seeming unbothered.

Haeun looked at Jimin in confusion then at Jungwon, who did the same.

"Umm....why don't we explore the place behind our house later, Jimin? What say?" Jungwon asked him, trying to brighten up his mood again.

"Hmm....okay." Jimin nodded, chewing the food. "Sounds good to me."


Both the boys were walking along the green grass. The sky was clear blue with a bright sun but not too blazing hot. Jimin in his shorts and a baby blue tank top.

"This is where I used to ride a bike when I was small.." Jungwon smiled, Jimin nodding as he scanned around the place, not really paying attention to what Jungwon was saying.

"Look Jimin. Do you see that tunnel?" he pointed at a distant. " When I was three, I went up there and do you know what I saw? It was a big snail and...."

Jungwon kept babbling but Jimin's attention was somewhere else now. He's eyes stuck up on the same window again. The curtains were half open and revealing a part of the room inside.

"....Jimin, are you even listening?" Jungwon asked disappointed when he realised the guy was on his own.

"What's your Dad doing?" he asked crouching a little down a peering inside the window.

Jungwon glanced at the window and saw his Dad working with some pictures in his hands.

"Oh he must be cleaning his shelf, those are his albums and photographs-"

"Photographs?" Jimin asked instantly, getting quite interested in the new topic now.

"Yes, his side hobby is photography. He does that whenever he's free from work or whenever he feels like-"

Jimin nodded and made a 'o' with his lips. "Like what kind of photographs? sceneries? animals? random stuffs? or...." Jimin bit his lip and kept staring at his Dad through the window. "...or models?"

"Anything he likes. It's not his job or something, just a passion of his. So he takes pictures of anything he likes,"

"Something he likes, huh?" Jimin grinned.

"Yeah. Wanna see some of his photographs? You haven't even met him, right? So, let's go introduce yourself to him too. " Jungwon asked excitedly.

"Nah..." Jimin slurred out. "Not interested..." he clicked his tongue and turned the other way, walking to some other direction.

Though Jungwon didn't know that was a lie.


The day was over, and the bright blue sky turned into black starry night in some hours. Jungwon and his mom sat on the couch watching a koream drama as Jimin just layed on his stomach on the other side of the big cough. Rocking his legs back and forth, as boredom hit him to the speaks. 

Jimin yawned for the fifth time and leaned in, resting his head on his folded arms. He glanced at the two other and saw them so much focused on the boring show as described by Jimin. He didn't like romantic dramas, movies and stuff. He was just not into it.

He sighed an exhausted breath before getting up and walking out of the living room. Jungwon and Haeun didn't even notice him walk out, with their eyes so much focused on the big Television.

He walked along the dark lobby, taking small steady steps as his barefoot pressed on the cool wooden floor. His tiny fingers through his hair, playing with his blonde curls and his lips pouting as he chewed the bubble gum in his mouth.

And in a second he stood in front of the room. Jungwon's dad's study. He cleared his throat before raising his fist and placings three knocks on the wooden door.

He stood there for a while, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. He sighed an annoyed breath and was about to knock again until the door opened.

Jimin's hand was hanging in the mid air with the man staring at him from the other side now. Jimin instantly curved up his lips into a smile as he spoke out.

"Hello, Mr Jeon-"

a/n: please feel free to vote and comment  your thoughts and feedbacks. Also, I feel motivated to update further.

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