chapter 39

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Jimin runs out of his bedroom and down the halls. He runs in his barefoot, no pants on but he doesn't care.

He reaches the stairs and just as he's about to go down, the main door opens.

"Oh shit-" Jimin mumbles.

It's Jungkook.

It's Goddamn Jungkook.

As soon as the man enters, he looks up and meets eyes with Jimin. He drops his bag on the floor instantly. He gives him a weak smile and stretches his arm......for him.

Jimin smiles back but with tears, as he runs down the stairs in such a way he feels like princess running to her prince.

Jungkook only needs to take a few steps forward until the boy collides into him arms. He literally jumps at the man and luckily Jungkook is prepared for what to come, he grabs the boy instantly.

He grabs on the boy's thighs and tuggs them around his waist properly, now wrapping his arms around his trunk.
Jungkook presses his face on the his shoulder and sniffs in a deep breath.

His eyes glaze up but he wants to laugh at the way Jimin is muttering 'I miss you, I miss you, I miss you," under his breath.

He pulls over and finally watches his face. He's still repeating those words as he looked down, not brave enough to look into the man's eyes.

"I missed you too Jimin," Jungkook whispers and presses his lips over the boy's cheek, kissing his tears.

Jimin frowns as soon as Jungkook pulls from the peck. "You liar..." he grumbles still looking down.

"What? why?" Jungkook smiles.

"You fucking liar!" Jimin struggles and gets off the man. Realisation just strikes him really hard. He stands still while Jungkook stares at him with a confused face and his arms still open.

"Why didn't you call me, text me or..." his voice starts shaking. "You left me alone. You didn't even care if I was okay,"

Jungkook shakes his head as he approaches the boy, but Jimin backs off again. "No Jimin..."

"Yes. Why would you abandon me like that?? Do you know how much I missed you??!" he yelled. "You don't understand how scared I was. I thought you left me for real, Mr Jeon!"

Jungkook pulls his arm and their chest collide. Jimin is still crying but now he is held by the man. One hand around his trunk the other caressing the back of his head.

"I didn't abandon you, Jimin."he whispers into his ear. "Trust me. I had reasons for not contacting you but as soon as I found out you were sick-"

Jimin pulls over. "Sick? Who-" then his eyes dart to Mr Lee who was grabbing onto Jungkook's luggage. He clears his throat and quickly walks away with the bags like he didn't notice Jimin glaring daggers into him.

"So you came just because I was sick? You didn't miss me, did you?"

"Shut up."

This time he really shut up. Jimin blinks at the man wondering if he ehqrd him correctly. Jungkook smiles as his innocent face and grab him on either side.

"I'll tell you everything just calm down. Let's go to your room and get you in some clothes first. You still feel warm and feverish," He says before he lifts Jimin and puts the boy over his shoulder.

"Aahh Mr Jeon!" Jimin squeals all while Jungkook chuckles.

"Where's your room?" he asks in his laughter.

"Get me down, Mr Jeon-" he groans annoyingly.

"Exactly, Where's your room?" the man asks again.

"Upstairs. First room to the right!" he yells.

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