Bonus Part- 2

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*warning smut* almost forgot :P


He shuts his eyes and bends a little, resting his hands on his knees now.

The voice says and Jimin feels like groping the man and screaming at his face but he has no energy to do so.

He lifts his head and squints his eyes. "You're such a bore."

"Tell me something I don't know." Jungkook smiles back.

He reaches Jimin with one hand, his other hand holding onto a sleepy Jungmin.

The way Jungkook had his arms opened  for Jimin, Jungmin wasn't getting enough space in his arms.

Jimin shakes his head and clicks his tongue in disapoinment.

He grabs Jungmin with his both hands from Jungkook and carefully places him on the bed beside.

Jungkook just watches with fond eyes as Jimin checks all of Jungminnie's clothes one by one so it isn't wet from sweat.

"He is dry. I changed him." says Jungkook in a subtle tone.

Jimin hears him but doesn't turn around. He nods but keeps on patting Jungminnie's clothes. "Just checking-" he mumbles.

Then he carefully begins to tuck the duvet around Jungmin.

He leans near the kid and stares at him with adoration, just thinking about how scared he was just a few minutes ago.

He can't even imagine what he'd had done if Jungminnie went missing for real.

"Isn't it my turn now?"

Jimin hand comes in a halt. He turns around and glares an upset look to Jungkook. He grabs some of the clothes from the bed and starts folding them.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" he says as he gets on his feet.

"I wanted to surprise you." Jungkook replies.

Jimin walks to the cupboard with the folded clothes and opens it. He sighs a breath and then looks at the man again.

"What about Mr Lee? He knew that you were coming and that you took Jungminie?"

When Jungkook nods in response, Jimin feels like calling Mr Lee and strangling him by reaching his hand out to him through his phone. But he just sighs another breath and closes the cupboard.

"That was a very bad joke, Mr Jeon. " he whispers as he looks at his feet.

"It has been very difficult for me to take care of him for these past few months and I-" he takes a breath. "I am trying my best to manage everything. I-I am trying my best to become a good father and here you are scaring me with your silly pranks."

Jungkook frowns. He takes a few steps forward and reaches his hands out trying to calm down Jimin. "I'm so sorry Jimin. I know it was a lame prank but I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to see him so bad so I just straight went to his school from airport. "

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