chapter 29

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They were tired and worn out but still couldn't stop laughing.

Jimin ran ahead of Jungkook as the man followed him. Both of them entered the elevator and the door slowly closed shut.

"That hilarious. Did you see that man's face?" Jungkook smiled as he watched the small Jimin bend with his hands resting on his knees.

Jimin raised his head and looked at Jungkook. "I know right? I mean I thought he was you! You should've told me if you were behind me.." he pouted.

"But I didn't know you were going to attack him with that huge ass snowball." Jungkook laughed. "How did you even make it?"

"You see who's the big boy now?" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk.

Jungkook nodded before he ruffled Jimin's messy blonde locks. "Yes...I do."

But just as Jimin tried to straight up, he felt a sharp pain in his earlobe.

"Ouchh.." he whimpered making Jungkook look at him.

Jungkook noticed that the boy's earring was stuck on his sweater. Jimin tried to free himself with his head bend to his shoulder but was struggling to do so.

"Wait...lemme just-"

Jungkook reached forward and tried to help but Jimin kept fidgeting, both their hands clashing with each other, making it difficult to complete the task.

"Just stop Jimin. Let me help you!" Jungkook screeched and finally Jimin stopped.

He mumbled a small 'okay' and let his hands down. Jungkook neared the boy and tried to pull the fabric  of the sweater, just making Jimin whine in pain again.

"Ow oww....that hurts-"

Jungkook sighed. "Guess it's stuck here."

"Shit what do I do?" Jimin grumbled, his head kinda hurting from bending it to the side for too long now.

Suddenly Jungkook leaned in his face towards Jimin's neck. The boy's breath hitched as he felt Jungkook's breath agaisnt his neck.

Jungkook grabbed onto his face and tilt  Jimin's head further giving more access to himself to do his work.  He used his teeth to cut the fabric off and honestly he couldn't see any other option beside that.

Jimin bit his lip, hands hanging in the midair and his chest going up and down with his deep shallow breaths.

Jungkook tried his best to cut the fabric off but he soon realised how close he was to Jimin too. How near his lips were from pressing agaisnt the boy's skin. Oh how delicious Jimin smelled from that close up, it made Jungkook's mind go crazy for a while.

He finally cut the fabric off and leaned a little back. As Jimin realised he was free, he straightened his head. He could still feel Jungkook breathing agaisnt his neck and the way he didn't seem to back off even after doing his work made Jimin go soft.

Unexpectedly Jimin grabbed the olders both hands and placed on either side of his waist, Jungkook's big hands fitting into the small waist like lock and key.

Jungkook taken back by the act but he was slowly melting in Jimin's presence and he couldn't differentiate the wrong and right move at at moment.

Jimin licked his lips snd dragged Jungkook's hands around his waist, making them rest at his stomach now. Jungkook's chest stuck against Jimin's back, hugging him tightly from behind.

He kept holding onto Jungkook's hands that rested on his stomach. Jimin just waiting fir his next move and when he almost thought the man wouldn't do anything, the man finally leaned in and pressed his lips on his skin.

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