chapter 2

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"It's over Tae,"

"But, Jimin pleas-"

"Don't call me again."

Jimin hangs up, his fingers tapping on the screen repeatedly, getting his frustrations over the phone.

Jungwon looks over to his annoyed bestfriend before looking back to his pile of clothes again.

"Isn't it already nine months since your breakup?"

He asks, grabbing another piece of folded t-shirt and placing it inside his wide open suitcase.

Jimin huffes as he throws the phone on the bed and falls back, resting his head on the mattress lightly.

"It is..." he mumbles, staring at the white ceiling.

"Then why aren't you both done ye-"

"I'm done with him, okay?!" Jimin yells, a little offended. "He's the one who can't get his tits together."

"But isn't it genuine for him to act this way?"

Jimin looks over the boy who was sat on the floor, packing his bag.

"I literally dumped him for nothing. Why did you even break up with him?"

Jungwon asks making Jimin think for a while.

"Well, he..." Jimin tilts his head, staring at the ceiling. "He is boring,"

Jungwon scoffs out loud at his friend's words.

Jimin turns around, resting on his stomach now as he raises his head and glances below at Jungwon.

"I swear he is such a bore. You know where did he take me to our first date?"

Jungwon just shakes his head and keeps packing his stuff, the mischievous smirk on his lips bothering Jimin alot now.

"He took me to an art exhibition! Can you believe it?" Jimin huffed.

"That doesn't sound too bad,"

Jimin practically gwaks his eyes at his bestfriend's reply.

"Yea sure," Jimin groans and lays back on the bed. "Why don't you go and date him instead? Your choices seem to match,"

Jimin rolled his eyes, hand wandering on the mattress, searching up for his phone again.

"I'd love to, Tae hyung seems such a nice guy. Only if I weren't straight,"

Jungwon smirks at Jimin, but Jimin didn't expect to hear what his friend utteref out later.

"Besides, I think hyung deserves better-"

Jimin sits upright on the bed instantly, his eyes death glaring into Jungwon, buring up a hole in his face.

"Take that back, bitch-"

Jimin growls but Jungwon just seems to shak his head with a small grin on his lips.

"I said take what you said back-"

Jimin said again just to see Jungwon stick out his tongue to him. That's it. Jimin jumped out of bed and pounced on top of him, strangling him and tickling him.

"S-stop!" Jungwon giggles, now laying below Jimin. "Stop you asshole!" he yells again but Jimin just kept tickling him until he was out of breath of giggling and tired as hell.


"Did you say your Dad is back home?" Jimin asked chewing the gum and blowing it into a bubble.

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