chapter 41

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Happy birthday Mimiiiiiiiiii<33333
*warning smut*

"You're going tomorrow..."


"you'll leave me,"

Jungkook sighs as Jimin mumbles the same thing for the millionth time. Jungkook looks up at the boy who is sat on the bed. "Stop it Jimin," he groans and pushes down one more time.

Jimin rolls his eyes before he glares at Jungkook. With a death stare initially, but his stare melts into a dreamy one as he takes a notice of his bulging biceps.

The tank top Jungkook has on as, showing so much of his skin and tattooes and everything while he works out seems so hot.

".....fourty," He groans and does one more push-up.

Jimin gulps and keeps staring at him. Something gets in his mind and he climbs down the bed and walks over to Jungkook on the floor.

Jungkook could see his feet stood in front of him but he didn't stop. He kept going with "forty-one...forty-two...fourty-aaagh!" he groans when he feels a heavy weight on his back.

"Jimin!" he yells but stops when he feels Jimin lay down on his back. He hangs his hand on either side of the man's body and leans near his ear.

"you look so hot-" he whispers making chills down Jungkook's spine. "I want to have you-"

"Jimin stop it and get off me." Jungkook groans as he feels his thighs shivering in the plank position.

But Jimin doesn't stop. He bends his head and places a kiss over the man's ear. "Come on.." he smiles. "I know you want me daddy,"

Jungkook falls flat face on the floor with Jimin hugging him like a koala. He raises his head and turns it a little.

"you little shit-" He grins. Jimin just giggles in return, not showing an ounce of shame of what he said right now.


"Jimin stop-" Jungkook grabs his wrist.

Jimin shrugs his hand off and proceeds to undo his pants.

The situation they were in was brought by Jimin. He took the man in his room, and made him sit on the edge of the bed. Then Jimin got on his knees between his thighs and told him he wants to show him what he learned in internet some weeks ago. And he's been waiting to do this for Jungkook.

Jungkook just couldn't believe how did the boy end up learning such things from internet, not like he learned anything from the the net before and when he finally did, he-

"Aaghh..." Jungkook groans.

Jimin has his dick already out, in his grip, sucking in the tip. Jungkook breaths heavy at the sight, as Jimin looks up and meets his gaze with him, it compells Jungkook to look away.

Jimin scoffs, his lips vibrating around the man's dick, making him groan once again. Then he grabs the base and starts giving him a good job, how ever he had learned from the net.

"Shit..." Jungkook groans, his fingers tangles around his blonde hair and grips into it harshly. Which causes Jimin a little pian in the scalp but he finds it rather hot.

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