chapter 5

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Jungwon groaned as he turned to the other side, pressing the pillows on either side of his head to cover up the noise.

"Jungie, wake up baby! It's nine already."

"Jeon Jungwon!!"

His mom's voice echoing through the lobby an hitting his ear in the possibly annoying manner he ever wanted. "Just five minutes more, mom!!" he yelled back and covered himself with the sheets. Him taking over most of the part of bed, slowly realising that Jimin wasn't in the bed but he didn't care. He just wanted to sleep some more.

"This boy..." Haeun shook her head in disappointment. "He's become so lazy since he started to live in Seoul. I even wonder how does he chores alone at their dorm." she said setting the plates on the table.

"Leave him for now, Haeun. Afterall it's his summer vacation. He must be tired after his classes," Jungkook mumbled, his eyes focused on the newspaper. 

"Hmm.." she hummed in his response before she remembered something. "Hey...uhh I forgot to call Jimin for breakfast earlier. Could you call him?"

Jungkook raised his head from the newspaper and raised a brow at her. "Why me?"

"Cause I'm busy here, can't you see?" she said a bit loud and offended. "I'm working here all day long and you visit home once in a while and don't help me at all. What is this behaviour Jungkook?" she muttered making Jungkook speechless.

He just kept staring at her, his grip around the newspaper in his hand before Haeun snatched it from his hand.

"You won't die if you stop reading news for a while. It's not the world is ending tomorrow, "


"No but. Go and call Jimin. He was playing in the lawn earlier. Come on now go fast, Jungkook. I'll go wake up Jungie."

Jungkook let out a sigh and watched Haeun walking upstairs to Jungwon's room. Then he turned around to look at the window from where their lawn was visible.

He slowly walked upto the window and his eyes shot up. The view outside made him barge into his study and grab his camera, running to the window again. He positioned the camera and closed an eye, taking pictures of the boy.


The lawn water sprinkler, splattering water in every direction possible witg Jimin giggling and playing in the water. His blonde curls were wet and dangling over his eyes, his white long-sleeved tshirt completely wet and now see through. His denim shorts getting hidden under that slightly oversized tshirt as his water trickled down his smooth thighs.

He kneeled in front of it, positioning the sprinkler beween his thighs and let the water fall on him. As he squeezed his eyes shut and ran his petite hands all over his body, wiping the stream of water that slicked down his jaw upto his neck and down his smooth chest.

He stood up and kicked his leg in the puddle, splashing the water all over himself and then hiding himself with his petite hands again, giggling and jumping when the lawn sprinkler, sprayed water all over his body and his face.

He stepped a little away from the lawn sprinkler and took a deep breath, panting from his own laughter now. He used his hand and pushed his wet strands behind his head, slicking them back, making his forehead and face more visible now.

Jungkook exhaled a breath as he stopped taking pictures. He opened his other eye too and moved the camera down from his face, just staring at the beautiful Jimin outside. Until Jimin saw him, he flinched back and turned away.

But Jimin noticed him too quickly. he ran inside the house, his bare steps making a trail of wet path all along the wooden floor. He walked inside the dinning area and towards Jungkook.

"Hey hey hey..." Jungkook said trying to calm the too excited Jimin now. "Look what have you done?" he said pointing at the floor. "You're wet Jimin, you should dry up first. And even Haeun sees that she-"

"Ughh..." Jimin rolled his eyes. "Now I'm already here. Come on don't be a bore and show me the pictures Mr Jeon!!" he gleamed and hopped in tiny, trying to a take a peep at the camera in Jungkook's hands. Jungkook chuckled a breath at his cuteness and nodded.

"Uhh no!! I liked that one, why would you delete it??" Jimin whined as he clutched onto his arm from the side. Both of them were now sat in the dinning chairs except that Jimin was clinging to him too much in the process of watching the pictures.

"Wait..." Jungkook stopped him from whining and crying. " Stop crying. There's one picture better than that-"

"where? where?? show me! fast!!" he giggled and leaned forward, pressing his palm over Jungkook's right thigh. Jungkook looked down at his hand but he decided to shrug it off since Jimin wasn't even paying attention to his hand right now. He was just excited about te pictures.

"..this one- Jungkook showed him the screen of his camera, Jimin eyes widening up in happiness and excitement.

"Holy fuck!" Jinin yelled. Thats so beautiful!!"

"Stop swearing!" Jungkook yelled back him.

"But that was some seriously fucking good pictures. I've never seen such pictures of mine-"

Jimin got disappointed when Jungkook stretched his hand away with the camera, making it out of reach of Jimin. Jimin looking at him in confusion before Jungkook spoke out. "You swear once more and I'm gonna delete all your pictures!" he scolded him.

Jimin pulled his lips into a pout before he mouthed him a 'sorry' and pinched his earlobes in a cute manner. Jungkook smiled again and showed him the pictures.


"Don't you think, Jimin is a bit..."

Jungkook started, Haeun turning her head towards him as she ran her brush through her long black silky hair.

"...a bit weird?" he asked as he met hus gaze with Haeun's. Haeun leaving a chuckle right after and turned around to face the mirror again.

"No..." She shook her head. "Why? What did he do to make you think so?"

Jungkook bit his lip and looked at the book in his hand for a while. "He didn't do anything. But the way he acts and behaves is so...." He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to process the word in his head. " careless and childish. And in a second he acts so mature and serious. I just don't get this kid-"

"He's been alone since his childhood..." Haeun put her hair brush down and grabbed her bottle of serum. "He has no one to guide him and show him the right path. He..." she poured some of it on her hand, rubbed it together and started dabbing on her wet strands. "...he just needs a helping hand. He needs to be trimmed and groomed. I'm sure he'll turn out a good and responsible boy. He's such a sweetheart afterall.."

Jungkook gazed at Haeun, her eyes smiling at him, showing assurance that Jimin was fine. She knows him better since he always visits their house during vacations with Jungwon. But being the busy scheduled man, he would be in some corner of the world dealing with his business affairs, so Jungkook never got to encounter his pretty carefree boy ever.

But this time it was different. Jimin was all grown up. Eighteen, a very sensitive age with a peak level of curiosity, excitement and thirsty for experiments. And seeing Jimin's mindset, it worried Jungkook a bit. He felt kind of trapped within his aura. And he knew it. This boy....

This boy was something different.


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