chapter 9

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"Why?" Jungkook's instant response.

"Because..." he turned around, facing Jungkook now, his lips curving into a beautiful smile before he spoke out. "I'm gay,"

Jungkook blinked for a times, just staring at the kid with silence surrounding them. It took a lot for him to flinch back to reality. "Oh-hh..." he shuttered.

Jimin blushed little, feeling lighter as he exposed himself in front of a no one. He bit on his bottom lip and stared at the floor, until Jungkook said something that got him wheezing.

"so..uhh...are you and Jungie dating?"

"What?! No!" the smaller screeched instantly, his blushes swapped with a flushed face from anger now.

"Then, have you dated eachother in the past?" Jungkook asked again,making Jimin sigh in annoyance.

"No." his short and simple reply.

"Then did you ever have feelings for hi-"

"Mr Jeon." Jimin got on his feet, his voice a little loud and bolder this time. "Are you even serious right now? We are best friends and more like brothers. Plus, don't you know your son's sexuality?"

Jungkook thought for a while and shook his head. Jimin scoffed a breath.

"Right you have no time for him. You're like my mom. She even doesn't know whether I am alive or dead."

Jungkook bit the inside of his cheeks, feeling a bit guilty for what he asked. Watching Jimin's happy and childish vibe fade in a second made him vile.

"Anyways..." He let out a deep sigh. "Just know that Jungwon is straight and he loves me only as his best friend, no feelings involved. And even if he was, he's not my type-"

Jimin smirked as Jungkook gave him a side eye. "What's your type then?"

That question sure did make Jimin a bit startled and Jungkook honestly had no idea why would he ask the boy something like that but it just seemed to slip off his tongue.

And now Jimin would surely not let this chance go easily. He had to be a tease. It's in his blood and he can't help it.

"Hmm..." Jimin strolled his eyes around the room. Eventually, falling on Jungkook before he started to speak. "Tall, muscular..." He started at the man's face. "The face...? maybe?" Then wandered his eyes down to his arms. "Hmm some tattoos, toned abs. Someone who is sizzling hot-...."

The way Jimin was roaming his eyes around Jungkooks trunk like he would eat the man right there if he got to made Jungkoik gulp. And the moment when he realised Jimin was indicating none other than himself, that's when Jungkook regretted his question the most.

Jungkook sat up straight and cleared his throat, eyeing around the doom definitely tried to about Jimins teasing gazes.

"Someone mature enough so that they could teach me ways of how things work out since you know I'm a curious kid?" Jimin continued to point down his ideal type and the more it matched Jungkook, the more uncomfortable he started to grow.

"I love to learn new things, love new experiences and new sights...." He slurred his words like a tease.

"Someone who makes me feel things with just their voice" He smiled and Jungkoom cleared his throat that, avoiding his gaze from Jimin. "Someone whose name starts with a 'J' and ends wit-"

"I think-" Jungkook spoke abruptly cutting off the boys words. "I think we should go eat now. I'm hungry, aren't you?"

Jimin giggled and gave him a nod. "Yes Daddy-"

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