chapter 17

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Jungkook's deal went quite well. All thanks to Jimin.

The kid did continue to text him frequently, just normal texts like good morning and good night and stuff kids do when they are all diddly and delulu in their early relationships.

And being the 'hard to get', Jungkook never replied to any of those.

He was done with his meetings and was ready to leave for Busan the following day. That reminded him of a sovinere for everyone. 

He bought clothes for Haeun and Jungwon but the problem was that he couldn't get Jimin anything since he didn't know the his size and he had no idea about his likes and dislikes.


Soon the weeks went by real quick with Jimin eagerly waiting for their next vacation and to see Mr Jeon.

And it was finally the day he had been waiting for. Their terminal exams were over and it was a short term break for the kids.

Jimin and Jungwon as usual packed their stuffs and headed to Busan. But this time Jimin was extra excited for everything.

As soon as the car pulled over inside the gate, Jimin jumped off and ran inside, stumbling with Haeun who wasn't even ready to welcome them.

Unexpectedly, Haeun found the boy hugging her tightly, her hands hanging in the mid air with confusional stares.

"Jimin? What's wrong my boy?" she asked trying yo pull him off her.

"He said he missed you guys alot and he looked excited all the way here..."

Jungwon chuckled as he followed from behind. He patted on Jimin's back making him turn his head around in the hug.

"Get aside, its my turn to hug her-"

They all laughed at that and Jungwon was embraced by his mother patting her head lightly.

"All good?" she asked Jungwon nodded with his puppy eyes in view.

As for Jimin, he stood at the back turning his head from left to right, trying to find the particular person his eyes were dying to view of.

"Go and get fresh. I'll plate your lunch for you guys..." she mumbled heading to the kitchen.

Jungwon nodded and started walking to his room with Jimin behind him.

"Where's your dad?" Jimin asked when he felt like he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Mom, where's dad?" he yelled from his room.

"He isn't back from his trip, sweetie. He said he's sorry and can't make it this time."

A loud thud was heard which made Jungwon turn his head around. A blank faced Jimin stood there at the door to his room and the bag in his hand had hit the floor.

"Did you fall, Jungwon?" Haeun asked from the kitchen.

Jungwon sighed and walked upto him."No mom, it was a bag!" he grabbed the bag from the floor and gave Jimin a weird look. "What's wrong with you?" he mumbled before getting inside again.

Jimin was devastated. Did he feel betrayed? He did. Was he upset? Alot. Was he angry? To the point where he could return back to Seoul right then.

But he stayed quite for the sake of his bestfriend. Sure jimin was upset but returning back to Seoul after Jungwon had done everything for him till then would be hurting for his bestfriend.

Jimin was quite all the time they had dinner. Even in the bed. He didn't feel like talking to anyone, joking around with his Haeunsshi and bickering with Jungwon. He was like he had lost his source of interest all of a sudden.

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