chapter 25

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"M-mr Jeon....I'm s-sorry-"

"Why? What...what's wrong Jimin??"

"I don't think I did well today.." he sniffed in between his words. "I-I tried b-but..."

Jungkook felt a coldness in his heart as he heard Jimin sob on the other side. He wanted to hug him and tell him that it was alright but he just couldn't.

"Jimin, stop crying like a baby. It's just your pre boards-"

"B-but I wanna meet you so bad. I wanted to be with you and I gave my all, I did everything I could but still..."

"Why are you saying so, Jimin?" Jungkook asked in a soft tone. "You don't know yet, the results are yet to come, you could be guessing wrong-"

"No. I'm sure!" Jimin screeched as he rubbed his eyes and continued sobbing. "I know how many questions I've attempted,"

Jungkook didn't know what to say. He had never been in this situation before, never did he have had this need to console someone who was crying and this time was someone whose cries made his heart ache and his body discomfort in an unusual way.

Jungkook was scared by the way Jimin was changed. The boy was literally crying his eyes out on the phone not because he ruined his exam not because he wouldn't be meeting Jungkook if he didn't come upto his promise.

That made Jungkook genuinely scared.  Was he really that obsessed with him? Or was it really what Jimin had confessed to him.

"I-I wanted to see you so bad....I m-miss you Mr Jeon," he said with hiccups in between his sobs.

That was it. Jungkook couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't control himself anymore. He couldn't continue to pretend to act like he felt nothing and that the boy did nothing to him. He couldn't, cause he's a human too and no God Damn robot.

No mater how strong or bold a person is he loses his shit too at some point of his life. And this was the point of Jungkook's life.

Fuck his deal.

Fuck his promises.

Fuck his exam results

Just fuck everyone.

"Jimin," Jungkook called him.

Jimin stopped sobbing and tried to catch his breath because the tone Jungkook escaped was so deep and serious it made his core shiver.

"...doesn't matter if you've not done good in you exams and honestly, I don't care anymore..."

Jinin kept sniffing as he heard Jungkook but he nearly lost his remaining breath at Jungkook's last statement.

"'re coming with me. And that's final."


Jimin stepped out of the taxi, his black ankle length prada boots shining. Yes, he was rich and he has no embarsement in showing it off.

The taxi driver helped him take out all his luggage, as he clutched onto the strap black sidebag  he had on him. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a loose, open neck white sweater that had falling off his one shoulder. 

He thanked the driver as the driver bowed with a smile and drove off.

Jimin stood there, chewing on his bubblegum, one hand pushing his blonde locks back and the other checking his phone.

He clearly remembered Jungkook asking him to wait at the departure as he would be arriving there from Busan first. Then according to his plane they'd be heading to California together. 

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