chapter 36

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Call me as soon as you reach your dorm, okay?"

"Okay daddy..." Jimin giggled as Jungkook fiddled with his furry cap strings for the millionth time now, untying them and tying a knot again just to make sure Jimin was warm.

"And don't eat outside, don't play video games all the time, don't forget to study, I'll be watching your results and don't-"

"yeah yeah I know it Mr Jeon." Jimin interrupted him. He reached out and grabbed Jungkook's hands. "I'll be a good boy, I promise. "

"You better be." Jungkook quashed his eyes at the boy, making Jimin giggle.

Jimin nodded and grabbed his luggage before heading towards the taxi.


The boy turned around. "hmm?" he hummed with both brows raised.

"Please take care of Jungie. I-....I know I'm not close to him but I know you are. And if something happens he won't tell me anything but you. So, please, being elder than him, you can look after him, yeah? Just a small request-"

Jungkook stopped when he felt like he was going in the wrong path. The way Jimin sucked in air and looked at the floor...was he offended? was he jealous that he mentioned him after what they've been into?

But Jungie is Jungkook's son and he was no term to get jealous over a father son relationship, right?

Just as Jungkook parts his mouth to twist the words to make it seem like he wasn't meaning it that way, Jimin flashed him a genuine smile.

"Don't worry, Mr Jeon." Jimin nodded, his hands stretching out the straps of his bag pack. "I'm his bestfriend, trust me I'll be there for him all the time."

That was relief.

Jungkook always had this guilt that he wasn't upto the acceptable standard term of being addressed as a father. He never really did anything except paying his fees, feeding him and his needs and looking after his grades.

Well, that doesn't sound much fatherly does it? Even a charity house can pay off that much and till would get more respect than Jungkook gets from his son.

But what can he even expect, when he himself never treats him like him his own.

Jungie doesn't remember his father helping him ride a bike when he was kid, he doesn't remember his father being there with him when he learned to count numbers, he doesn't remember sharing his drawings with his dad when he was in elementary.

But he definitely remembers resitting his 'My Dad is my hero' poem to his mother on his school program. He clearly remembers how he wrote that just by thinking of the specific superhero he was fan of in the Television, he remembers how his dad missed the only one event and how busy he was at his business meetings.

The fatherly figure was Jungie neer saw in him, guideful talks and counselling instructions that a father should've given him was given by his mother.

But he wasn't upset in Jungkook. he knew his father worked hard all for him and to pay off his expenses, afterall he was the only son they had.

But what he didn't know was the reason why he didn't have siblings, why he'd never seen his father talk to his mother in a flirty way or atleast in a lovable way, why his life feels empty even though he was both a loving mother and a fairly caring father, much more than his best friend Jimin had.

Even though he had a family to talk to lean onto, cry to and depend onto, he sometimes felt his life was miserable than Jimin's. He felt he was the same as Jimin.

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