chapter 43

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"You sure you're not coming? We're gonna pick Seri on the way," Jungwon says and Jimin shakes his head.

"I'll help at home. Plus, its cold and looks like its gonna snow. plus, I don't like shopping with girls." he says and eyes Haeun who is inside the car at a distant.

But he didn't realise she heard him. Haeun makes a shock face and places her hand dramatically at her chest.

Jimin snorts a laugh. "Don't get me wrong, I love you Haeun-sshi!" he yells making Haeun laugh.

"Hey, Jimin." She called him. "Be sure to remind Jungkook to keep he barbecue grill inside if it snows, okay?!"

Jimin smiles and makes okay sign with his fingers when Jungwon suddenly leans near his ear, making the by curious.

"I'll tell Seri you said you missed her-" Jungwon winks an eyes at Jimin.

Jimin grabs his collar and pulls him closer. "Don't you dare you mothefucker..." he groans in his ear before Jungwon runs off giggling and gets inside the car.

After waving them off goodbye. Jimin turns around and slams the door behind him. He walks back to Jungwon's room before he gets ghost by Jungkook.

"fuck-" Jimin curses in shock as the man suddenly appears in his way out of nowhere.

Jungkook is leaning agaisnt the doorframe to his study, with a raised a brow. "Might wanna apologise for something?" he asks in a twasing tone.

"apologise? I don't get it..." Jimin plays along. He smiles and escapes Jungkook, walking pass through him and to Jungwon's room now.

"Oh you don't understand? Let me make you understand, wait-" he chases Jimin all the way to Jungwon's room.

Jimin giggles and tries to shut the door behind him, but a hand grabs the edge of the door and pushes making Jimin fall back on the bed. When he raises his head, Jungkook is already inside the room and now hovering over him.

"wait-" he giggles. "mr j-jeon..." he puts up his small hands as defense like it worked any.

"So? What was that yesterday?" he pins the boy on the bed with his hands resting on either side of his head.

I was just messing around," Jimin smiled and reaches his hands up to Jungkook's face.

"Jimin...." Jungkook sighs as he puts hi hand over Jimins. He moved aside and helps Jimin sit up on the bed.

"Do you know if Haeun or Jungie had seen you-...what would they think of?" he says with a worried expression. Jimin just makes a face and stares at his hands.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles in a while.

"Hey.." Jungkook lifts his chin with his fingers and looks him in the eye.  "Don't be sad come on. I didn't mean to hit your knee purposely, did I? Its just happened." he says. Jimin just nods in reply, like he's still sad about it.

Jungkook darts his gaze from the boy's face to his knee. "Does it still hurt?" he asks reaching upto his knee. "show me..." 

Jimin takes the moment and leaps over the man's lap. "I'll show you, first give me a kiss." he pouts his lips into a beak.

Jungkook pauses and leans away to avoid Jimin from kissing him. "No Jimin, we can't."

"Why not?" Jimin frowns.

"What if someone sees us?"

Jimin looks around, the silence in the room is too loud now, the tick of the clock only being the thing to be heard.

"Seriously?" Jimin squints his eyes.

"Okay. Just a small peck." Jungkook sighs in defeat but didn't expect Jimin's peck to go on so wild.

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