chapter 22

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"You're not coming with me-"

"But why??"

Jungkook huffed, his eyes still on the road. It had been more than a week since Jimin had started up with this conversation and he was tired of this now. Tired of denying the kid for a reason he didn't even know why.


Jungkook was having his breakfast in the morning until his phone rang on the table. He stretched his hand and looked at the screen.

weird kid: I have a solution for our problem. I'm gonna come with you!! yay!

Jungkook choked on his coffee, getting Haeun's eyes on him.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing. My throat..was itching and I nearly choked,"

He sighed a breath when she went back to eating. His eyes darting to screen as he focused on the word 'our'.

Our problem? Since when was it out problem?

He just ignored the message and kept his phone, facing the screen down to the table, not giving a damn to the offer.

Later that day, Jungkook was in his study doing his paperwork, definitely not in a mood to reply to Jimin's call.

"Daddy! Why won't you answer my calls?" The other side whined.

Jungkook didn't speak anything, making Jimin clear that he was in mood.

"I've been calling you since morning. Listen, I have a good plan Mr Jeon. I'm gonna tell Jungwon that I'm going to meet my mother this winter and-"

"Bad idea. I don't think It will work out."

Jimin felt dumbfounded as he realised Jungkook hung up with juat a phrase. He gaped at the screen and then wandered his eyes around, confused on what just happned.

But Jimin didn't give up. He kept calling Jungkook. Texting Jungkook and got on his nerves till the end.

Jungkook barged out of the bathroom, still naked ofcourse cause he was showering and the kid wouldn't stop calling him and Jungkook swore he almost got earbleed from the sound.

He stepped out, the water dripping down his body making a trail of wet footsteps on the wooden floor all the way to the bed where his phone was placed.

He was so angry and furious at this point that he didn't care if there wasn't a single piece of clothing on his body.

Unfortunately it wasn't a normal call but a video call.


He tapped the answer button, the screen went blank for a went as well as his mind. But then the sudden appearance of the face on the screen made him flinch and the phone slipped off his hand.

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