chapter 37

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Days skip and Jungkook starts growing fond of Jimin. He sure did left him in Seoul but maybe he left his heart back with him the cheesy as it sounds.

Days grow in weeks and months and their final exams approach. Jimin had messed up his maths during his pre-boards and he remembers how he apologised to Jungkook for not completing his promise.

But now he was determined to show him in the finals. He studies hard just as before, asked Jungwon, asks his teachers, a little help from Taehyung and they completed their exams.

It was better as said by Jimin but now they were just in wait for the results. It was their final year and they would be graduating their high school.

"time goes by so fast..." Jungwon says as he stares at the ceiling.

Jimin is on hs phone, lying down on his bed. He doesn't look at Jungwon but nods. "It does..."

"It just feels like yesterday when I met your rude ass in middle school. And to this point I don't even know how did I manage these ears with you."

Jimin looks up at Jungwon with a glare first. But then to Jungwon's surprise, he shoots a smile and shakes it off.

"And it feels like yesterday when I got you cry baby attached with me and had to take you home when u got home sick. "

Jungwon raised his head and got on his stomach. "Oh yeah? What about the time when you're ass got bullied and I had to come to protect you?" He raised his eyebrows with a proud smile.

Jimin scoffs. He puts his phone aside and crosses his arm. "Yeah my superhero. Don't say that! It's my precious ass that Tae loved so much-"

"eww, I didn't need to know that!"

I wonder how would you react if I said your dad loves it more?

"The last thing I need to know is how much your boyfriend loves your ass now?"

"Remember when I first introduced you to him and you were like he's hot and..."

"...and you thought I was gay too?" Jungwon completes his sentence and they start laughing.

Jimin sits up with crossed his legs on the bed. "Yes. I remember being jealous when you both talked."

"That's so you..." Jungwon laughs. "Remember when you invited me tp you home for the first time?"

Jimin nods.

"I thought you a prince or something. Cause your bedroom...boy our whole dorm would fit in that room."

"Shut up!" Jimin laughed as he threw a pillow at Jungwon's face.

"remember when we had pranked Mr Lee saying at you passed out?"

Jimin snorts a laugh at the thought and nods with a hand agaisnt his mouth. "I remember how he panicked and he nearly called 911..."

"And it was your idea to torture him Poor Mr Lee..."Jungwon rolled his eyes.

"But it was fun....admit it."

"It was..." Jungwon nodded.

"Remember how we found out the the famous actress magazines in Mr Lee's room?" Jimin snickered.

"Yeah. Poor guy had been alone for a long time. I guess he needs something to entertain himself too.." Jungwon says as he palms the pillow in his hand.

"Do you think he looks at the picture and..."

Jungwon looked at Jimin with digust as Jimin wiggled his brows with a grin.

"Shut up you are disgusting!" This time the pillow went flying to Jimin's face.

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