chapter 30

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"Until he left me."

"L-left you??" Jimin shuttered.

"Yes. The day I decided to propose him. He didn't come to the show. He didn't show up."

Namjoon ran faster as he scanned the backstage rooms. He finally found the one he was looking for and entered inside.

"Jungkook, you guys are next. Where is Yugeom?"

Jungkook bit on the inside his lips and walked back and forth, his phone agaisnt his ear as he called someone. He sighed and ended the call, looking up at the concerned Namjoon before him.

"I don't know Hyung. H-He isn't answering my calls-"

Jungkook palmed his forehead and collided onto the couch next to him. His condition made Namjoon join him and patt his back slowly.

"It's okay. I will ask them to rearrange the queue list. You can perform at last. I'm sure he woke up late or something. Don't worry, he'll be here soon..." He tried to console him.

Jungkook shook his head and looked at Namjoon.  "I just dont believe how can he be so careless? We have to perform in five minutes and he has no signs to be here..."

"It's okay Jungkook. Cool down. Do you want something to drink?"

"No..." Jungkook grumbled in an upset tone.

Namjoon just sighed watching the boy sit there with crossed arms. He knew Jungkook was poor at managing his anger issues and he also knew how punctual Jungkook was to his works. Whether it was his own beloved or someone stranger. 

Namjoon walked out of the room and tried calling Yugeom.

~'The number you have dialled did not answer'~

"What's wrong with him?" Namjoon groaned and cocked his head in annoyance. "Jungkook's gonna be so mad at him..." He sighed and walked away.

"You know my anger issues, I'm bad at handling them." Jungkook mumbled and Jimin nodded being aware of the fact.

"I was so mad at him. I didn't even call him. Not about the proposal but we had practiced for months for that competition and at last, he didn't show up."

"Where was he? Where did he go??" Jinin asked.

"H-he..." Jungkook shuttered.

~ Yugeom, A student of Busan International School, studying at second year recently committed suicide in his bedroom. He was found hung about the ceiling fan in the morning at around six am and was known to be under medication for depression.~

"He left me..." Jungkook mumbled in a shaky voice. "I'm so dumb, it was all my fault!"

"You were never there for him, Jungkook!"

"I-I was...I-"

"No! You could never see his real self because of your anger! Your fucking anger issues!!"

"I thought he shared everything with me. I never knew he could-"

"That's because he feared you! He could never open up with you. And you are the reason he died, Jungkook!!"

"n-no....please don't say tha-"

"You are his murderer!!"

"It was not your fault Mr Jeon." Jimin whispered and rubbed his small palm over Jungkook tears. "Please don't cry. It wasn't your fault-"

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