chapter 46

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me: so, you're saying
he's gay?

sunshine: he might be bisexual..

me: really? is he?

sunshine:...if you want to hear that. yes, he is.

me: -.-

sunshine: tbh idk-

me: okay, tell me
how did he look like.

sunshine: he had thick
lips, fat ass, blonde hair,
moon eyes.

me: not Jimin, you
brat. How did his
boyfriend look like???

sunshine: oh.

sunshine: he was cute.
tall, big round doe
eyes. black hair.

"Tall?" Seri looks at Jungwon. Well, he's the same height as Jimin though.

me: name? Do you
remember his name?

sunshine: you know I have mild aphasia, babe. I can't remember names.

me: just a hint? first
letter? last letter?

sunshine: something Jung
if I remember. Jungsin
Jungsung Jungwok?

me: Jungwon? Jeon

sunshine: sounds like it.
yes. I think. not quite sure.

me: that's my fucking

Seri gripped harder on her phone.

sunshine: wait. your
cousin was Jungie right?

me: ....

me: that's the same
person you duffer.

sunshine: ohhhkayy.

sunshine: listen. don't be mad.

sunhine: you're reading
my messages right?

sunshine: babe listen.

sunshine: honey?

sunshine: Yeri...

me: It's Seri

sunshine: Seri! please I'm

sunshine: shit. I should've saved
your contact as your real name
and not as babe.

sunshine: Seri please listen to me.

me: I'm not mad at
you hobi. I'll talk to
you later, yeah?

Seri shuts her phone and places it harshly on the table making a loud sound.

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