chapter 52

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The drive was silent.

So silent it made Jimin's ears hurt.

He looks at the man. Jungkook's eyes staring at the road with a serious expression. One hand on the steering and the other fisted near his mouth.

Thinking its not the right time. Jimin turns to the front again. He sighs a breath and stares outside the window.

In a period of time, Jungkook drives to what seems like a local pharmacy. He parks the car in the lot and walks out.

Jimin can't help but get anxious as he watches Jungkook walk away.

Is he going to leave him? Is he not going to come back? Please don't go.

Jimin gulps, his sixth sense telling him to barge out of the car and run after the man. He pulls on the handles of the car's locked. 

Jimin keeps breathing irregularly drowned in his anxiety. He feels like his breath is stuck in his throat. Like he is suffocating inside those closed walls and glasses.

But then to his surprise, the door to driver's seat opens suddenly. Jimin gasps a breath and flinches at the same time. He inhales a sharp breath in, getting Jungkook's attention.

Jungkook places the paper bag aside and gets in the car. "Jimi-"

But before he can even comprehend what to say further, Jimin throws himself into his arms. His hands drags around the man's neck and small whimpers is what falls on Jungkook's ears.

Jungkook tries to pull over, but Jimin's grip stays stubborn. "A little longer....please." he mumbles and tilts his head, going deeper into the crook of his neck.

It's the same for Jungkook. He drags his hands behind the smaller's back. He sniffs in his scent, burrowing his face into the kid's shoulder.

They like that for some time. A whole of ten minutes, when Jungkook finally initiates to pull over. Jimin aims to face down but in turn gets pulled by the face. He shuts his eyes instantly until he hears Jungkook.

"look here," Jungkook says with Jimin's face in his hands. "come on, look at me baby..."

"I'm sorry-" Jimin squeezes his eyes more, "I'm so sorry. I-"

"That's the point Jimin." Jungkook rubs his thumb on his face.

Jungkook knows things. He isn't stupid but he tries not to stress it out further. The boy has been a crying mess since hours, and he doesn't want to see his baby with swollen eyes.

"What happened today was not your fault. It wasn't something you could do to control the situation. If it's someone's fault, it might be both of us and we had seen this coming. We had, hadn't we?"

Jimin nods in tiny.

"Then? It was gonna happen sooner or later. I'm glad it happened early,"

"but Haeun-sshi..." Jimin looks up. "S-she told you to never return back. I-It she cutting ties with you forever?"

"No Jimin. " Jungkook sighs. "She isn't. She just said that in her rage of anger. I'm sure she'll call me soon."

"And Jungwon? What about him?" Jimin gulps. "He was so mad. H-he will never forgive me,"

"he will. It might take some time. But he will."


"Now shut up. You talk so much-" Jungkook squished Jimin's lips with his two fingers, making his lips pout into a beak.

Jungkook laughs.

"Let's get you warm and treat your face. You look pretty awful-" Jungkook side eyes Jimin as he starts the engine.

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