chapter 26

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I'm trying..." Jungkook mumbled trying to move to Jimin's seat but what he could see blocking them was, "Why is your ass so big-"

And there was silence.

Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook himself. Jungkook realised it a second later, he was so embarrassed he wanted to break the window and jump off the plane as for Jimin he was shy? he was embarrassed but not in the way Jungkook was.

And for Hoseok, he was enjoying the drama. He just needed a bag of popcorns and that's all.

"I'm sorry....I didn't meant tha-"

"It's alright," Jimin replied in a low tone.

He used all his force to squeeze through the seat and finally ended up sitting at the window seat. He sighed a breath of relief as he adjusted himself on the seat, comfortably. 

After what seemed like few hours, the lights were off inside the cabin. Some people asleep and some watching movies, playing games. The air attendance checking the passengers once in a while, if they needed anything.

Jungkook looked to his one side and saw Hoseok with a black eyemask on his eyes, his mouth open as he snored. Jungkook laughed at the kid and turned to the other side.

Jimin was curled up on his seat with his head leaning towards the window glass and his hands clutched up to his chest. Jungkook smiled as he admired his pouty lips looking like a little duckling in his sleep and the way the moonlight reflected from the window and fell on his pale skin making it good like he was a porcelain doll.

Jungkook slowly reached out his hand to Jimin's nape and yanked his head towards himself, his head eventually landing on Jungkook's chest.

Jimin snorted in his sleep and re-adjusted himself, buring his head deeper into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook almost cracked a chuckle when Jimin made pouty lips like he did when he was whinny even in his sleep.

He smiled and pinched his cheeks, stunned by the fact at how soft and chubby they were.

"What are you dreaming about, hmm?" Jungkook smiled as he caressed his blonde locks with his free hand, his other arm firmly wrapped around Jimin's small waist making the kid sleep on his wide chest.

Jungkook shook his head a little and leaned, resting his head on Jimin's and closed his eyes, hoping to enter Jimin's dreams and see what the kid was so whiny about.


They finally landed in Los Angeles international airport. And were now in the process to board off.

"Where are you guys staying?" Hoseok asked Jimin.

Jimin pretended to think for a while before turning his head to the man. He raised a brow at Jungkook who just sighed in response and replied.

"Hilton Pasaden," Jungkook replied unwillingly.

Hoseok looked at his phone. " No way!!" Hoseok yelled with wide happy eyes. "I'm going to stay there too!"

He did? what the-...

"Oh really??" Jimin yelled in return.

Jungkook scrunched his nose as he pinched his nosebrigdge, already feeling like he'd get a headache from the duo of the two kids.

"Okay great, come on now. Get off the plane first kids,"

"" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows at Jimin.

"He means kiss. You want a kiss before we get off the plane? Okay!" Jimin smiled as he got on his tippy toes again and leaned to Jungkook's mouth.

But Jungkook was quick to press his palm agaisnt the two of their chest and avoid the kiss. "No thanks..." He sighed in annoyance and walked past the both.

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