chapter 34

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*smut coninue o_O *

"No. It's not my first time, Mr Jeon."

Jungkook pulled over and looked into the latter's eyes. "Who?"

Just one word and it made Jimin shiver in his position. The dominant tone he had over his voice was so powerful on its own.

"T-Tae..." Jimin shuttered.

Jungkook strolled his eyes for a second like he was recalling the name in the back of his head. "You mean your ex?" he asked.

Jimin nodded with hesitancy.


Jimin felt like he was a confessing a crime everytime Jungkook asked him something.

"At my s-sixteen birthday."

"You had sex when you were sixteen?"Jungkook spurted out a bit loud that got Jimin embarrassed.

"No!" he instantly said but again clamed down. "Y-yes." he repeated right after with a small pout.

"Why? Did he do something?" Jungkook asked in a concerned tone. " Did he make you do it or-"

"No, Mr Jeon." Jimin replied as he shook his head. "we were studying in my room. Actually not we it was him who was studying and I-...." He stopped, exhaled a breath and continued. "I wanted to try it out so I asked him to. It wasn't his fault, I swear!"

Jungkook scanned both of his eyes first and then chuckled, the fear in the latter's eyes when he admitted the truth was cute according to Jungkook. The fact that he still cared for Tae and was afraid for him was nice. He still has a soft side of him hidden for everyone though he seems like he's a bad boy.

"Was it good?"

Why would he ask such question? That's embarrassing. Jimin though as he bit his lip instead of replying back.

"Not as much as I was excited for it. We both were new, we both weren't aware of things. And we didn't know how to do it and-" Jimin stopped when he heard Jungkook snort out a laugh but stopped right after.

Jimin rolled his eyes and turned his head, facing the other side.

"hey..." Jungkook stressed on his words and grabbed his jaw, making the boy face him again. "It's alright." he smiled.

"What do you mean it's alright? It wasn't alright. It wasn't what I'd dreamt of. It-..." he stopped and darted his eyes down to Jungkook's lips and back to his eyes again. "It hurt-" he mumbled in a shaky voice.

Jungkook frowned and quickly hugged the smaller. "It's okay if you don't wanna do it, Jimin. I won't hurt yo-"

"No." Jimin interrupted him. "I wanna do it. I really do. I know it wasn't Tae's fault in hurting me and we both were kids. But now I'm not a kid anymore and I know things. I wasn't ready back then but I am now. And the most important thing is that..." he snaked his arms behind Jungkook's nape and pulled him closer, their mouth nearly crashing agaisnt each others. "I want it only with you."

"Only you one else." he whispered against Jungkook's mouth.

Jungkook groaned agaisnt his lips, trying his best to not press on him right away. "Alright." He mumbled as he sat up and grabbed the hem of his boxers.

He pushed it down slowly and Jimin swore he tried his hard to not gulp at the view. He pushed it down to his knees and then further down, kicking it off his legs.

Then he leaned, hovering over Jimin again. "I'll make you feel good, Jimin."
He groaned and rubbed himself on Jimin. "So good that you'll forget about your past hurtful memories."

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