chapter 13

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"You will be there when I need you right?" Jimin asked again, in a slowpace and in a needy tone this time.

"Yes..." Jungkook replied in a single breath.

What? No he didn't mean-


The reflex Jungkook's hand showed by pulling back from Jimin's was at Jungwon's voice quickest to be in the world record.

Jimin just let out a subtle smile before he turned to Jungwon who was jogging upto them.

"They don't have vanilla. Go and choose another flavour, Seri is there for you," He licked his ice cream and waited for Jimin to respond.

"Just tell her to bring me any flavour then,"

"Come on now, don't be a jerk, Jimin. She is waiting there just for your ice cream. Plus, she told me she has something to tell you," Jungwon smiled mischievously with his hand on his waist, the other one grabbing his ice-cream cone.

Jimin definitely didn't like that smile of Jungwon. "Ughh..." Jimin groaned and got on his feet.

He started dragging his feet and soon started running across the street. The son and Dad duo watched him enter the parlour.

The bell jingled making Seri turn her head to the entrance. She smiled watching a cute Jimin walk inside. He neared her.

From Jimin's view she was rocking back and forth on her heals with her hands behind her back.

She is cute.

"Which one?" she smiled.

Jimin scanned the glass panel, his eyes fell on her empty hands. "Where's yours?" he asked.

"I didn't get one yet,"


"I'm waiting for you."

Jimin eyes darted from the panel to her as she said that. He smirked, a teasy one not an evil one.

"I'll take that." he pointed at the mixture of pink and purple creamy stuff inside the panel.

"One scoop of cotton candy flavour." The lady at the counter mumbled before she looked at Seri. "And you miss?"

"I'll have what he'll have-"

That made Jimin look at her again, and this time he saw her moving her face away to hide her blushing tints.

It was weird to Jimin. They just met today, why was she so sweet to him?

Jimin licked on his Ice-cream walking out of the door, making the bell jingle again. Seri quietly following him with the icecrean in her hand.

"Jimin.." she called him in a soft tone. "When are you returning back to Seoul?" she asked but he didn't reply to her.

She looked up at him, since he was a little taller than her. He was smiling, more smirking and making faces at certain someone at the distant.

When she followed his gaze, it fell on...her uncle? The other side was non responsive tho. Jungkook just shook his head and looked away as for Jimin was continuously smiling at him.


"Yea, yea...umm what were you saying?" he looked at her finally.

"When are you going back to Seoul?"

"Oh tomorrow." Jimin replied and licked off a thick strip off the icecrean. "Our vacation ends this friday. We need to be back by thursday,"

"Then will you come back again?" she tugged a hair behind her ear, walking beside him.

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