chapter 7

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"Mr Jeon?" Jimin called him, making Jungkook out of his imagination. "Do you like me?"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows instantly. "What??" he screeched.

"Then why are you not willing to leave my hand?" he raised a brow a nudged his head to their hand clutched together.

Jungkook left the grip and and coughed in embarsement. "You're a weird kid..." Jungkook grumbled before leaving behind Jimin.

"And you're a bore..." Jimin teased him as he stuck out his tongue. Jungkook seeming unbothered by his response as he walked ahead of Jimin. "hmm...a hot one indeed-" Jimin grinned and started following Jungkook, like a small puppy.

"Now, no running, no jumping and no walking around for a week." Haeun scolded Jungwon, as she wrapped the bandage around his ankle.

Jungwon frowned and looked at Jimin, who was lying on the couch beside him, chewing his gum and dangling his legs from the couch.

"For a week??" Jungwon raised his eyebrows. "What will Jimin so for a week without me?" He looked at Jimin again.

"Don't worry..." Jimin mumbled as he blowed out a bubble. "I'll get my leg broken as well-" he winked after, he popped the bubble and started chewing it again.

"Don't joke." Jungwon grumbled, staring at his leg getting treated by his mom. Then suddenly an idea stroke him. "Why don't you take Jimin to the state alone, Dad?"

Jungkook looked at Jungwon and then at Haeun, looking confused. "But-"

"Oh come on Dad. You had promised to take us to the state, so you can take Jimin without me as well, right?" he mumbled. "Besides, I've visited that place a lot but Jimin hasn't seen it even once."

Jungkook sighed a breath and looked away. "I don't know Jungwo-"

"Dad!! Please. I don't wanna make Jimin feel bad because of me. I'm guilty that I brought him here and now he'll be stuck inside the home because of me. He has right to go out atleast..." The smaller whined. "Mom, you something to Dad! Tell him-"

"Okay, okay..." Jungkook groaned. He looked at Haeun with a frustrated expression, who chuckled at him and continued to put the bandage on Jungwon.


Jungkook's eyes focused on the road, while he gave a few glimpse towards Jimin in between. Jimin put his hand against his chin and kept staring outside the glass, like he was bored.

"...hey," Jungkook called out.

"hmm?" Jimin hummed.

"You bored?" Jungkook asked and that's when Jimin turned his head and looked at the man. A smile creeping over his face that grew wider getting Jungkook a little troubled now.

"Yes. I'm bored. Let's play a game!" Jimin said excitedly. But he frowned as soon as he saw Jungkook shook his head.

"I can't Jimin. I'm driving...."

"Oh come on, you don't have to do anything. Just answer some of my riddles..."

"Okay." Jungkook nodded.

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