chapter 18

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"you look hot~"

Jungkook widened his eyes which were pretty much vague behind his transparent burgundy shades. He turned his head towards the boy and regretted it right away as he found Jimin already staring at him with small giggles escaping his lips.

Jimin reached his hand to the front door but was disgruntly slapped off by Jungwon's hands. He looked at his friend in confusion.

"Sit back. I'm sitting here," Jungwon ordered. Looking furious this time.

"No you sit back bitch. This is my seat-"

Jimin's voice not getting sweeter anymore.

"Why is this your seat? You sit at the back!" Jungwon yelled.

"Don't fucking yell!" Jimin raised his voice.

The two of them bickering again which made Jungkook palm his forehead in annoyance.

"I will sit here. You boys go at the back-"

The two boys turned their head and hung their mouth open when they saw Haeun standing there in her pretty summer dress, a white hat and pretty lavender shades.

"Mom? You're going with us two?" Jungwon said a bit aghast since she always denied going out and rather preferred staying at home and doing work.

She smiled and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook followed her gaze and nodded at the boys.

"Yes I called her. Cause she's always working for you guys, let her have some fun today, yeah?"

Jungwon nodded with a chuckle and headed to the back seat as for Jimin he couldn't stop himself from getting burned by the fact that Jungkook called her.

"We're gonna pick up Seri on the way and head to the amusement park. What say?" Jungkook asked the boys as he watched them in the review mirror.

"Yayyy!!!" Jungwon squealed but Jimin was silent.

Jungkook noticed the way Jimin just nodded quietly and stared outside the window. He had in fact chose that place since Jimin wanted to go there earlier.

Later, as Jungkook pulled of at Seri's. Both Jungwon amd Haeun got off.

"Come on Jimin, let's go inside-" Haeun smiled and gestured him to follow her.

Jimin was ready yo get off until he noticed Jungkook who didn't even move a bit from his seat. He kept staring outside the windshield with a straight face.

"Jimin! Come fast!"

Jimin flinched at the sound and nodded. "Coming..." He mumbled and got off before giving a one last glance to the man.

"Ae cha!" Haeun smiled and hugged the woman and got returned by two arms hugging her back.

"Long time no see Haeun." Ae cha smiled as she pulled over.

"Is Jungkook not coming today as well?  Ae cha asked her and Haeun shook her head. "It's okay..." she gave Haeun a concerning smile and squeezed her shoulders in comfort.

Then her eyes went to the two boys behind her. "Hey Jungie..."

"Hello aunt cha." He bowed down at her.

"Don't you need to greet her properly?" Haeun cornered her eyes at Jungwon.

"Oh don't worry, Haeun. Not long time since we met, right Jungie?" she patted his head and he nodded with a small chuckle. "oh who do we have here?" she asked glancing at Jimin.

"Aunt cha, meet my bestfriend. His name is Jimin." Jungwon said.

"Hey Jimin, nice meeting you..."

"Hello aunt cha." he said as he bowed a little and shook hands with her. All the others laughed at him signing her as 'Aunt cha'  because of Jimin.

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