chapter 38

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Jungwon is gone. So is Jungkook.

Jimin lays on his big King sized bed, staring at his graduation picture he took a month ago.

His friend left him a month ago and he is back, at his big villa with no people. Only his butler, some other helpers and him. He sighs a breath and turns to the side to reach his phone.

He checks his phone, just to see no messages. He sighs and throws the phone across the bed.

It's also been a month since he's heard of Jungkook. He talks to Jungwon on video calls and messages but there's no way he could ask his bestfriend how his dad's doing all of a sudden, right?

"Why don't you text me?" Jimin groans and rubs his forehead.

The man doesn't reply to his texts, nor calls him. Jimin has tried but then he afraid that he might be at home. Too many calls or messages might be dangerous.

But then again, he misses him so much he can't get himself together.

And since Jimin has only one friend who's also now away to his hometown, Jimin is back to his world of loneliness.

No parents, no friends, no lover.

Wait there is one... or maybe was.

But he should probably keep space from him. Here, Jungwon is alreay misunderstanding his realtion with Tae and now Jimin doesn't wants to give him any false idea.

"I'm sorry Tae." He sighs and keeps his phone down. "Don't wanna get your hope high,"


"Mr Lee..." Jimin calls out from his bed.

"Yes Jimin-ah?" he picks up the clothes from the floor.

"Why are you here?"

Mr Lee stops his action and looks up at Jimin. He's now resting his head on his hand and lying in the bed on his stomach.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why Don you go to your hometown too. Meet you family. Why are you here? With me? All alone. Isn't it boring for you?"

"No.." he simply denies. "It's my work. I have to be here,"


"I've been with you since your childhood. You are a part if my family too, Jimin."

Jimin gasps. "wow" he lays back on his bed and lifts his hands above, like he's playing a piano in the air.

"Wish that words were from someone esle, but..." His eyes meet with Mr Lee again.  "'re fine too, Mr Lee." he giggles at the man.



"You sound like you're freaking bored." Jungwon exclaims.

"I am." Jimin groans and rolls to the other side.

"Don't you meet Tae these days? Go out on dates or something-"

"For the freaking millionth time Jungwon, I am not in relation with him,"

"Yea lie to my face again," Jungwon laughs that gets Jimin more heated up. "If not him then who were you busy with all the time?"

Your fucking dad.

"no one..."

"See you don't have an answer." Jungwon says with confidence. "Anways, if you're so bored why don't you come over? Seri said she was missing you too..." he says with a hint of tease

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