chapter 20

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"I love you, Daddy."

Jimin frowned when Jungkook pulled his hand in such a way like he had touched something very hot and it burned his hand.

Jimin looked back at his hand that was resting lonely on his thigh now. The sudden coldness that hit his palm made his heart ache.

"What's wrong?" he asked with innocent eyes when Jungkook faced away.

He out his hand over the man's shoulder "What's wrong daddy?"

"Don't call me that" Jungkook nudged his shoulder and shrugged his hand off him. "Just stop all of this Jimin. Stop it..."
He groaned still facing the other side.

"W-what?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and tried to peep at Jungkook's face.

"Why is it? D-don't you love me?"

Jungkook just kept quite until he felt Jimin's hand placed over his again. He was quick to shrug it off again.

"Mr Jeon look at me..." Jimin started breathing heavy now, his heart aching at the way Jungkook was behaving with him all of a sudden. "Look at me Mr Jeon!" he yelled.

"What?!" Jungkook yelled back with his deadly stares on Jimin.

But was Jimin afraid of those stares? He wasn't. He had seen those angry eyes enough in his eyes that didn't even made him fear a bit.

"Don't you love me? I know that you do. tell me, Mr Jeon. please tell-"

"I can't Jimin!" Jungkook wailed. "I just can't..." He shuttered in a shaky voice.

"but why??" Jimin eyes glazed slowly and he felt a sudden urge to cry out.

"Because I have a wife for God's sake! Jimin you are my son's age. What do you expect from me?? Dreaming is good but forcing your dreams to come true isn't!"

"B-but...." Jimin cried, his tears slowly seeping off his orbits and running down his cheeks.

"Jimin, leave your hold now. I'm never going to love you back the way you are expecting me too. So stop dreaming because it's not good to be in there for a long time..."

Jimin felt his heart shattered bits and pieces and spill all over the floor. He looked at his hands, them appearing blurry under his teary vision.

His heart slolwy dropping at the bottom of his chest along with their ride that was now heading below.

Jungkook felt like he'd spoken a bit of too much to the boy. He felt guilt fill him instantly.  He sighed a breath before he called out him.


The ride came to stop interruping him and it was their turn to get off the compartment in the ferris wheel.

Jungkook couldn't even move before Jimin rushed out of the compartment. And he was sobbing.

He wanted to stop him and give him a hug but at the same time didn't want ro give him the wrong idea. And more over, he had controlled himself all this along, he couldn't just let his efforts go vain. He couldn't loose his dignity.

He felt stupid for taking Jimin to Ferris wheel himself, sitting next to him himself, holding his hand himslef amd giving him a those false hope himself when in the last, all he had to do was turn down the boy pretty bad.

There was no reason for him to talk to Jimin like that, but he didn't want to be soft with him again, he didn't want to show the easy side of him to Jimin again.


Their vacation this time was a very short one and they had to return back very soon. But Jimin wanted to return right away. He didn't feel like staying there because he had to face Jungkook.

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