chapter 45

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We're gonna adopt you-"

Jimin gasps still looking at Jungkook with a hurt expression, and by hurt he looked like he was gonna cry.

And for Jungkook he was too confused on what was going on. He grabs Haeun's hand. "Haeun.."

She raises up her hand and tells him to pause for a while.

"Jimin?" she looks at the boy, who is staring at Jungkook with a teary gaze and a bit angry now. "What do you think? Do you wanna be a part of our family?"

Yes, but not this way.

Jimin doesn't respond, he shuts his eyes and the tears dwelling in his orbits stream down his cheeks rolling upto his chin. His one hand is still in Haeun's hold as he uses the other to cover his eyes.

"Aww...don't make the kid cry, come on Haeun." Aechan says with a frown and small smile on how cute Jimin was looking.

Haeun laughs and shakes his hand. "Hey, hey. Are you crying because you're happy or you don'tlike the decision," she asks and nudges her head to look at his face. "Jimin, come on look at me. " she says.

Jimin moves his hand from his face and raises his head a bit. His eyes red , runny nose and his cheeks all smeared in tears. She chuckles at his state and rubs her thumb over his eyes, wiping the tears.

"Tell me, do you want to be in or you're fine as it is. Jungwon is your bestfriend right? Wouldn't it be lovely to be brothers instead? I mean you both can be together all the time. You won't be alone right?"

"I am not alone." he sniffs.

"So that means you don't want us to take you in Look, we've already made a decision now we just want your agreement on this." she looks at Jungkook behind her and smiles.

Jimin can't take it anymore, he scrunches up his nose with a bitter face and pulls his other hand from Haeun's grip. He runs off upstairs hiding his face in his palms. He stumbles with Seri on the way.

"Jimin..." she gasps and looks at his crying face. "What-" before she could ask him further, he runs off and inside Jungkook's study, he shuts the door behind him.

"Haeun..." Aechan groans. Haeun just giggles.

"I didn't know he'd be so emotional. " she laughs, just before Jungkook gets on his feet and runs after him.

Haeun stands up, "Jungkook-"

"It's fine, I'll check him out. "he says and Haeun nods and sits down, chatting with Aechan again.

He sees Seri on the way. "Seen Jimin?"

She nods and points at his study.

He smiles and pats her head before entering inside. Seri just pouts and walks back to Jungwon's room.

Jungkook shuts the door behind him and exhales a deep breath. He looks at Jimin who is crouched on the floor beside the window, crying his eyes out.

The way he was sobbing made, Jungkook's heart ache. He furrows his eyebrows and approaches the boy. He kneels down beside him.


But Jimin shrugs his hand aggresively. "You-..." he hiccups. "You're really worst Mr Jeon. After all we've been through," he wipes his eyes. "After what we did just last night, how could you??" he squints his eyes at Jungkook.

"Jimin she was kidding. "

Jimin stops crying. "what?" he sniffs.

Jungkook laughs and uses his hand to wipe his face. "She was just pulling your leg. Maybe she wanted to see your reaction or something, I don't know but I was as confused as you were."

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