chapter 15

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Jungkook scanned both of Jimin's dark brown eyes that were dazzling from happiness and excitement. He was  confused as hell so hs tried to speak up by parting his lips but he was cut off by something wet and plump agaisnt this cheek.

Jimin's lips.

Jungkook widened his eyes as wide as it could ever be, when he felt the small boy grazing his soft plump lips over his face.

He tried to pull over but before he could, Jimin did it himself. His peck was just on the cheek. So simple and sweet yet so forbidden and unacceptable for Jungkook.

Jungkook couldn't think straight, his mind was out of his head and out of the window now. He was still terrified at how easily Jimin kissed him and walked out of the room after whispering "I'll miss you," in his ear like a tease, leaving him speechless.

He was beyond amazed.


"Jungwon did you informed your parents that we reached?"

"No..." Jungwon shook his head as he kept unpacking his bag on the floor.

"Want me to tell them?" Jimin asked in an excited tone as he raised his head  from the pillow looking at a confused Jungwon now.

"You want to?" Jungwon raised a brow at the weird request Jimin made.

"I mean I don't mind..." Jimin smiled and grabbed Jungwon's phone from the table as he walked out in the balcony.

"Why go out? You could talk in as well..." Jungwon hummed to himself before he shook his head and continued his work.

at Jungwon's house:

"You want something else?" Haeun asked setting the food in the table.

"No I don't. Come on Haeun sit down and stop asking me that question for the millionth time. I want is to dine together but yoy always do this and by the time you sit down to eat I always end up finishing my food..."

Haeun laughed at Jungkook's complain. It was true tho. He cared for him a lot and she known to that fact.

"Okay. Let me bring my plate," she smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

Suddenly Jungkook's phone vibrated in his pants. He viewed his screen and raised a brow. It was weird that his son was calling him since he never calls him.

Haeun is the first priority and first choice that Jungwon comes up with always. Then why was he calleing him instead this time?

"Haeun, is your phone on silent?" Jungkook asked turning his head to the kitchen.

"No why?" she yelled back.

"nothing," he mumbled before answering the call.


"Did you miss me, Daddy?"

Jungkook choked on his food and started coughing loudly, making Jimin move the phone a little away because it was hurting his ears.

Haeun quickly rushed into the dinning with a glass of water, offering it to the man who quickly grabbed it and drank it to sooth the itch in his throat.

"Eat carefully..." She scolded him and walked to the kitchen again.

Jungkook cleared his throat and put the phone against his ear again.

"Guess you didn't miss me. I'm sorry. Are you alright, Mr Jeon?" the boy asked on the other side and Jungkook was surprised at how concerned he sounded for him.

"Yeah. I am," Jungkook mumbled. "Why did you call?"

"To inform you we've reached safely..."

"Okay. I'll hang up now."

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