chapter 16

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The next day Jungkook woke up early at five. He had a flight at nine and he had to prepare his stuffs.

As soon as he stepped out of his bathroom, he heard his phone vibrate. Dabbing the towel onto his face, he grabbed his phone.

A smile appeared on his face as he viewed a message from non other than him.


weird kid- Good morning Daddy. Have a safe flight today <3

"Jungkook did you check everything?"

Jungkook's smile dropped as soon as he heard Haeun speak up. He turned off his screen and threw his phone on the bed.

"I think so..."

He picked a pestle blue shirt with white buttons and white pants to go with it. He folded his sleeves revealing a bit of his tattoos and hung his burgundy shade on the cleavage of his shirt. His hair was slicked back perfectly revealing his sexy forehead.

And if Jimin had seen him this way, he'd surely be on his knees fir the man and even Jungkook can't deny it. Thats how much whipped he is for Jungkook.

After having breakfast, he headed to the airport.

He walked upto his respective gate and saw a huge queue of people weighing their luggages and approving their tickets.

Jungkook flexed his forearm and viewed the time on his silver Rolex. It was eight and he was on time. He still had an hour before his departure.

Finally it was his turn after like twenty minutes.

"Your tickets sir?" the man asked.

Jungkook handing him the papers instantly.

"Your citizenship?" he asked and this time the man bulged his eyes out.

"I-I don't have it with me. Is it important for domestic flights as well?" he asked and the man nodded.

"Since when? I mean like I am a citizen of this country. Do I need to show my citizenship even if I'm going to another city in Korea?"

"Yes sir..."

Jungkook groaned and walked out of line. His mind running hazy thinking he had flight in short due and he needed his citizenship. And the fact that Jungwon had both of Haeun's and his citizenship when he took it earlier for his school work made him even further panic.

He went upto counter again to convince them but got disappointed when they replied with, "Sir, I can't pass your tickets and let you board in the flight unless you hand your citizenship over-"

"What?!! Listen please help me...I-I can't return to back Seoul to get my citizenship. Please!! I have a very important meeting at eleven at Jeju today. I can't cancel my flight and I can't take another either. Please-"

"I'm sorry sir. We are bounded by the rules here and even if I'd want to help you any way, I am not supposed to."

Jungkook had almost given up until the man at counter spoke again, giving him some hope this time.

"Uhh sir? I asked the higher authorities, they said they can consider even if you give your citizen number."

"Thankyou so much!! I'll be back with the number. I'll be back-"

"I can't call Haeun either because she doesn't know my citizenship number. Jungie has my citizenship but..." he looked at the time and it was 8:45.

"I'm sure Jungie is at school at this hour. And phones aren't allowed in his school. How am I gonna contact him?"

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