chapter 50

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"Go home." he says.

Jimin looks at his best friend with confusion. He sucks in air and stops again. "W-what?" he manages to ask.

"I said back to where you came from!" Jungie screams.

Jimin flinches at the loud voice. He doesn't know what to say.

Usually he isn't this quite. Jimin isn't the silent or shy type. He is a bratty kid who speaks whatever comes to his mind. He never hesitates to curse or swear up in front of anyone, any elder, any teacher. He never hesitates to fight back if he assumes he us correct.

But this time, he knew he was wrong. So he didn't speak back. He was still unaware of the truth behind Jungwon's behaviour but he couldn't speak back.

He was scared. Hella scared. Not that they are caught. But that he won't be seeing Jungkook ever again.

Jimin wathches Jungwon toss all his clothes inside his bag. He breaths short hefty breaths, his hand fiddling nervously, not knowing what to do.

Then, he crawls down the bed and grabs Jungwon's wrist. "dont-" he says.

Jungwon stops. He doesn't look up. But then he smiles. Not a good friendly smile. Its a grin, a small grin of disgust or of pity.

"did you?"

"Huh?" Jimin questions with raised brows.

"Did you stop?" Jungwon finally raises his head with glazed eyes.

The moment he meets eyes with Jimin, Jimin feels chills down his spine. His bone feels like thy have cold ice water running through them instead of bone marrow, his blood stop flowing in his vessels and his muscles tighten up. His jaw gets stuck as he tries to speak up. Actually he's too scared to speak up this time.

"Jungie, w-what are you..."

"I trusted you." Jungwon sniffs and pushes onto Jimin's chest. "I trusted you so much. M-more than a bestfriend. I thought you were my brother. But you-" he covers his face in his palm and sighs.

"Did you think you could hide it from me?" he moves his hands from his face and galres at Jimin. "do you think I'm a fool?"


"You sure you're not coming? We're gonna pick Seri on the way," Jungwon says and Jimin shakes his head.

"I'll help at home. Plus, its cold and looks like its gonna snow. plus, I don't like shopping with girls." he says and eyes Haeun who is inside the car at a distant.

But he didn't realise she heard him. Haeun makes a shock face and places her hand dramatically at her chest.

Jimin snorts a laugh. "Don't get me wrong, I love you Haeun-sshi!" he yells making Haeun laugh.

"Hey, Jimin." She called him. "Be sure to remind Jungkook to keep he barbecue grill inside if it snows, okay?!"

Jimin smiles and makes okay sign with his fingers when Jungwon suddenly leans near his ear, making the by curious.

"I'll tell Seri you said you missed her-" Jungwon winks an eyes at Jimin.

Jimin grabs his collar and pulls him closer. "Don't you dare you mothefucker..." he groans in his ear before Jungwon runs off giggling and gets inside the car.

"Ready?" his mom asks.

Jungwon puts on the seat belt and nods with a smile. He couldn't wait for his birthday which was two days after.

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