chapter 6

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"Watch out!"

Jungwon screamed. Jimin dodged the cork with his head bending down, his hand swinging the badminton racket to hit the spot.

"You asshole! You're tryna hurt me on purpose, aren't you?" Jimin crossed his arms, sassyness in his blood as he accused Jungwon of something he didn't even intend to do.

Jungwon rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.  "You suck at badminton, doesn't mean, you can accuse your opponent, Mr Failure." He laughed, clicking his tongue at the way Jimin raged with anger just before his eyes.

"Shut up. It's you who sucks!" Jimin screamed, his high pitch voice alerting the people inside the house now.

"Hah! Speaks who? Just admit the fact that you suck at games and studies and oh....pretty much everything." Jungwon cackled, his mocking making Jimin's ego hurt now. And he knew his bestfriend well and he loved to tease him that way.

"What the-" Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut, his eardrums hurting from the screeches and screams coming from the front yard. He grabbed his newspaper from the table and headed to the window to take a peep at the noise.

"Shut the fuck up !" Jimin yelled.

"You were on the line, you cheated!!" Jungwon yelled back.

"No I wasn't! Are you blind or something? Go get your eyes checked, you fucker." Jimin rolled his eyes with his hands on his waist, trying to look unbothered by Jungwon's attack.

Jungkook gazed at the boys and chuckled a breath. His eyes only following one thing outside the yard. Jimin and his childish tantrums. He was cute, very cute to be not acknowledged.

"What you're laughing at?"

Jungkook flinched at the voice. He turned around and saw Haeun approaching him with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Just watching World war three." Jungkook laughed again. "Never imagined, I'd get to witness it tho-" he said looking outside the window.

Haeun handed him the cup and looked outside as well. "Well...." she laughed with him as she took a sip of her own coffee.

"You suck. Cheater!!" Jungwon yelled.

"Fuck off!! I don't wanna play with you! Just fuck off-"

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows with disgust. "Why does he swear so much? I've never heard our Jungwon say something like that. And now I think Jungwon will become like him someday-"

"They are kids. Kids be that way." Haeun spoke. "I'm sure Jungie does that too but he keeps it within himself because of us. As for Jimin, he's just too open to hide anything.  He's just being himself,"

"Hmm..." Jungkook nodded. "Still. He can not swear atleast just in front of us right?"

Haeun looked at Jungkook and shrugged her shoulders, seeming unbothered by Jimin's actions. "Anyways. Its been three days since they came here. They might've been bored, just staying home all day."

"I know.." Jungkook put his cup of on the table, his eyes scanning the newspaper headlines. "That is why, I've promised to take them to the state-"

They were talking to each other, until they heard a loud wail. And this time it was something different scream. A scream of pain.

The news paper slipped off Jungkook's hands, his head turning to the cry instantly.  He looked at Haeun with concerned eyes as she did the same from the other side. Before he barged outside, with Haeun following her.

"Aaahh!!" Jungwon cried as he scrunched up his nose and palmed his ankle. Jimin kneeled down beside him, looking panicked himself.

"Hey hey hey..." Jungkook crouched down and moved Jungwon's hand from his ankle. "It's okay...just let me see son-"

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