chapter 19

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"Let's get it!!"

Jungwon yelled and Seri clapped from the side as an annoyed Jimin was squeezed between the two in the back seat.

Haeun looked at Jimin's dull expression, giving a smile later. 

"Come on Jimin, show some spirit!!" she yelled at him teasingly.

"yayyyyy....." he stressed on his words like he was made to do so with a gun agaisnt his head.

That made all the others in the car laugh out. Jungkook just smiled and gave a one last glimpse to Jimin from his review mirror before starting the engine.

They reached the amusement park and Jimin swore it looked so pretty with bright and flashy lights even in the dark, he had never seen anything gorgeous in his life.

As soon as Jimin got off the car, he stared at the big ferris wheel that appeared like a big shiny yellow ball floating in the sky due to the yellow lights on it.

Jimin's eyes dazzled along with it as a small smile crept into his lips subconsciously.

"Wanna ride it?"

He looked at the side to see Jungkook also admiring the ferris wheel with crossed arms beside him.

"sure if it's....with you," Jimin giggled making Jungkook chuckle out too.

They roamed around, the kids chattering, laughing and running here and there with the two elders following them. Haeun smiled at them as she walked beside Jungkook who was taking pictures around, trying to capture all those moments in photographs.

And soon, Haeun realised that the kids had walked in front of the scariest roller coaster she had ever witnessed.

"Monster coaster?" she read out the name of the ride and raised a brow at Jungkook, who just shrugged in response with the same confused face.

The kids were fighting over who would ride with whom, making Haeun sigh in annoyance and go to separate them.

Meqnwhile Jungkook was clutching onto the railing, staring at the ride until he felt a presence beside him.

It was Jimin.

"Will you go on this ride with me, Mr Jeon?  he asked.

"I-...." He paused as he found it difficult to reject his beautiful brown eyes but he had to anyway. "I can't, Jimin. I've promised to go on the ride with Haeun,

"But I'm scared of heights, I need to grab someone's hand in the ride. And I know no one can give me more comfort than you, Mr Jeon,"

Jungkook shook his head with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry, I can't. She's scared of heights too and she was the one who asked me earlie-"

"It's okay..."

He didn't expect Jimin to just give a smile and nod in response, walking away just like that.

He saw Seri and Jungwon pair up together for the ride as Jinin quitely walked out of the ride to a bench nearby.

"Jimin! Aren't you gonna play?" Haeuns screamed from above.

"No, I'm scared Haeunsshi!"

Jimin yelled back with a laugh but Jungkook could tell the laugh was a fake one. It wasn't lively like he usually does. The one where his eyes disappear and his entire face scrunch up cutely and his giggles that sound like jingles to Jungkook's ears-....wait what?

Anyways, Jungkook could see the kid plastering a fake smile over his real expression. He kept watching Jimin from as as he seated, put on his safety gears and got ready to set off.

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