chapter 48

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surprise update because, I've passed my exams y'all. *cried happy tears*

Your d-da-"


Both of the kids get startled. The dark living room suddenly gets lightened up and the empty space gets filled with familiar faces.

Haeun standing with a birthday hat on her head, Aecha with a party popper and Jungkook with a round cake with beautiful candles lit on top.

The group stare at the two kids shocked reaction.

"Seri? Why were you not in your bedroom when I went to call you earlier?" Aecha raises and eyerbow.

The girl looks at her mom and back to the other elders. "I-I..." she hesitates just as someone taps a hand from behind.

She flinches and turns around to see a panting Jimin stood behind her and Jungwon.

"you guys..." he pants as he rests his hands on his knees. "I looked for Jungie everywhere and here you are-" he says and looks at Jungwon.

"for me?" Jungie says frowns and then looks back at Seri. "Ohhhh so I get it! It was your plan to bring me here?" he smiles at Seri. "Oh my guys-"

Seri doesn't know what to tell. She is too speechless by the misunderstanding that just happened in front of her right now.

"But I hadnt even informed Seri.." jimin tilts his head and looks at the girl. "Aecha aunty told me she wasn't in her bed qhen she woke up."

"Actually...." Seri starts.

"Okay guys, enough. Let's get the surprise going...yeah?" Haeun interrupts.

"but, its not even a surprise anymore..." Jimin whined. "it didn't turn out as planned out did it?? I wasn't even there to wish him!!" he grumbles as he hops in tiny and crosses his arms.

Haeun laughs at him.

"Actually this was all planned by Jimin to give you a big surprise Jungie." she says, making Jungie look at the kid with raised eyebrows as if impressed.

"But I don't know how did it turn out this way-" Jinin grumbles again.

"Aww, thankyou so much kid," Jungie laughs and hugs him.

"Kid?" Jimin repeats in the hug. They pull over. "I am older than you, you brat-" he says and flicks his forehead.

"oww!! It's my birthday, at leat spare me today??" Jungie groans rubbing on his forehead, and al of then laugh.

"uhh guys..." Suddenly a sound it heard.

All of them turn their head to the voice and watch and awkward Jungkook stood with  cake that bad half melted candles on it.

"Bet the wax doesn't taste good." he says and everyone laughs again.

"Okay, three two one-" Jimin yells.

~"Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday, dear Jungie!!"~

They sing as Jungkook nears him with the cake. Jungie smiles before he blows on the candles and everyone claps.

He is offered with a cake knife by Haeun, he slices the cake and gives a piece first to his mother and then his father again. The third piece goes to Jimin, who gasps dramatically making them laugh again.

It was a very joyful moment with everyone laughing, smiling and singing their hears out. Except a person and that was Seri.

She sang the song but still looked at Jimin like he didn't belong there, she didn't smile like everyone did, she didn't laugh at the joke that everyone found funny. She didn't even feel like she was present at the moment. Alm she could do was stare at Jimin, hurt, betrayal and anger in her eyes.

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