chapter 24

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"What is wrong with her-" Jimin mumbled out feeling offended by her behaviour towards him, until his eye fell on the book in his hand.


"I'm done!"

He yelled as he threw the book like he had touched fire and it had burned his skin. He didn't even realise what was he reading cause he didn't really care.

"Ughhhh...." he groaned as he palmed his face. "Who keeps such books in the library??" he mentally panicked, also getting a little embarrassed when he realised why did the girl look traumatised earlier.

"This ain't the way Jimin!"

He scolded himself as he got in his feet, his small hands slamming agaisnt the table, just getting more eyes on him this time.

"Sorry..." he muttered out carelessly and walked out of the place as if he was suffocated staying in there for long.

He headed to the back of his school building and sat below the staircase, his usual place to sneak in when he has to bunk classes.

He swopped his hand inside his sweater, in his shirt pocket and pulled out a stick.

It was wrong. Very wrong to be smoking at study hour within the school premises but he needed it seriously right now. He was tensed.

He leaned on the wall of the staircase and smoked a few puffs, suddenly he felt a presence behind him. He gulped, struggling on whether to turn around and face the truth or just stay as he was.

"We might wanna have a chat in my cabin, Mr Park?"



"I'm sorry..."

"I'm glad you accept it Mr Park but I can't allow you to go free after such situation of substance use." The DI (discipline incharge) spoke out as he fiddled with some papers.

Jimin sat opposite to him, knees squeezed together with his fist pressing over it in anticipation.

"You are not even in college, Mr Park. I'm astound by the fact that you started smoking at such a young age."

"I don't do this all the time. I swear I don't!" The boy panicked. "I-I just....I'm sorry. It won't happen ever again.  promise!"

"That's good to hear, you giving me such promises. But rules are rules, I need to have a talk with you Father. He must know what his children are upto, right?"

"What?" Jimin gasped.

"The kids who've been involed in activities like fighting, bullying and physical abuse, all have been suspended. And yours is a case of substance use, what do you expect?

"Suspended??"he gulped, only recalling Jungkook's words in the back of his mind.

"One more complain and you're not coming with me Jimin,"

No...if he gets suspended, calling him to the trip is a dream is impossible, he won't even talk to Jimin ever after that.

"No! p-please-" Jimin fell on his knees, making the DI startled. "Please don't suspend me-"

The DI was taken back not by the fact that Jimin was apologising for his mistakes for the first time but because of the look in his eyes. For the first time ever, he saw fear in Jimin's eyes. A kind of fear that made him plead on his knees and bow his head down to the DI's shoes.

"But rules are rules, you've paid equal fees as those who have been suspended, Jimin. And you are no different. We treat everyone the same, we cannot. I'm sorry-"

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