chapter 28

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"What are you wearing?" Jungkook laughed as he neared Jimin.

Jimin pulled his lips into a pout and quenched his eyes. "You told me to dress warm."

Jungkook nodded, the teasy grin on his face didn't make Jimin happy tho.

"Nevermind, I'll wear something else-" Jimin mumbled as he tried to pull off his white furry cap but got stopped by Jungkook immediately.

"No." Jungkook took the two strings from his cap and tied it together into a knot making his cap more fitting to hus head. Jungkook cupped the boy's face and scanned his pretty innocent stares then chuckled a laugh.

"You're cute."

Jimin blushed, right there and then in Jungkook's hands. His porcelain skin turned into pink and he kept blinking making Jungkook further wanna die at his cuteness.

A lot of strength. It took a lot of strength to Jungkook to control his urge and not press his lips against the boy's cheeks, to feel how soft and squishy they were.

But then he pulled himself away and took a deep breath. "ready?" he asked with a smile.

Jimin nodded back with a big smile and crescent eyes.


"Look at me, Mr Jeon!" Jimin squealed as he swirled around on foot on the ice.

Jungkook widened his eyes. "Be careful Jimin-ah! You'll fall-"

"No I won't!" Jimin giggled and started moving around Jungkook in circles. His hand behind his back and eyes on Jungkook with a smile everytime.

Jungkook soon got dizzy from watching Jimin go around and round of him. He grabbed onto Jimin's wrist suddenly, which made him slip and nearly fall over the cold ice but Jungkook was there.

Jungkook supported the boy with his hand behind his back and swiftly pulled him around and close to his chest. He tried his best not to laugh at Jimin's pink tinted face and shy stares.

"When I suggested ice skating, I didn't mean you skating all alone." Jungkook whispered near his ear. His hot breath tingling Jimin's cold ears making him shiver with goosebumps.

"Then?" Jimin mumbled innocently.

"I meant this-" he grabbed the smaller's hand and pulled him forward, making his skates glide itself on the ice.

Jimin just let himself to be dragged by Jungkook, just like he always does. But then he started moving his legs and started skating along with the man.

Their foots going on same rhythm and same speed, as they held their hands tighter and skate around the ice rink.

Their smiles wider as they glanced at each other from time to time, and when their eyes met in between Jimin couldn't help but blush and quickly look away making Jungkook snicker laugh.

The time when Jungkook slipped and fell down, pulling Jimin on top of him. Jimin gasped and was visibly worried of the man.

"Your head! Mr Jeon are you fine?! You're head struck the ice pretty bad-"

But Jungkook didn't speak a word, he kept staring at the roof of the ice rink, high above them as they laid down on the ice peacefully.

"Mr Jeon!" Jimin screamed again. "Oh my God, did you go into a stroke or something???"

Jungkook suddenly raised his head with furrowed eyebrows and looked at Jimin's face confused at his silly statement. But then Jimin sighed a breath of relief when he realised Jungkook was fine.

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