chapter 32

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As soon as Jungkook reached the place, he got disappointed to see the restaurant was closed.

"What the fuck?!! Why do they close so early?"

And by early it was already past eleven. What did he even expect.

"Shit shit shit!" Jungkook groaned.

He reached out his phone from his sweatpants and called Jimin.

"the number you're trying to reach is currently switched off, please try again later."

"What now?!!" He yelled and held on either side of his temples.

He looked around the restaurant and every place he felt like. Around the parking out, the park nearby, the shops nearby and everywhere he could.

"Hello, excuse me. Have you seen a korean boy of this height here somewhere around?"

"No I haven't, I'm sorry."

Jungkook sighed. "Okay.."

"Excuse me hey. Did a small Korean boy come in here earlier sometime ago?" he asked at a cafe shop nearby.

"No, we haven't seen any Korean boy except you around here."

Jungkook wanted to laugh at the joke bit he didn't want to at the same time.

He was going crazy. How could he forget Jimin??? After bringing him all up here himself. After making such promises about being with him always, he left Jimin all alone in a strange and unknown place like this?

Jungkook felt a rage of anger to himself.
He wanted to slap himself for which he deserved to be honest.

"I-I lost him..."Jungkook whispered to himself as he sat on a bench nearby. "Life brought you to me again but I lost you again. I lost my last chance of being with you..." Jungkook whimpered in his hands, feeling this palms get wet.

At last he had no other choice than going ti the police station.

Even if eveyone finds about it. He had no other options left. He had to do it, to find Jimin.

As he entered the police station he ran upto the first officer he saw.

"I want to file a missing report please!!" he screamed gett the officers attention.

"Yes? Who is missing?"

"My-..." Jungkook paused. "Uhh" Suddenly his ears got tingled by a sudden sweet voice behind them.

"Mr Jeon?"

Jungkook turned around and finally saw him.

Poor Jimin, shivering and trembling with his knees squeezed together and shaking at an abnormal amount. His hands built into a fist like to fight somebody and his eyes were puffy red like he'd cried out for hours.

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled and sprung his arms around the boy, hugging him so tightly Jimin thought he would've passed out.

"Mr Jeon-"

"ohh Jimin...I'm so sorryy. " he pulled over and looked at Jimin's face, before showering his face with kisses.

Jimin widened his eyes and let himself be kissed every nook and corner of ace from eyes to nose tip to cheeks to forehead to chin and everywhere possible.

"I thought I lost you. I though-" He cupped the boy's ace and looked at with with teary eyes. Then he pulled him into a hug again. ",You have no idea how glad I am, Jimin."

"The why did you leave me?" Jimin pouted.

"I didn't mean to..." Jungkook defended himself instantly. "I'm so sorry. So so so so sorryy Jimin. ai forgot about you."

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