chapter 10

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"Jimin no-"

"But Daddy, you didn't even let me speak.." Jimin pulled his lips into a pout and stared outide the window.

"Because I know you'll request for something silly again and I'm already against it. Also, stop calling me that," Jungkook sighed as he fixed his eyes on the road.

"What?" Jimin smirked, his devilish smile creeping over his lips.

"T-that..."Jungkook shuttered.

Jimin put on his innocent expression making Jungkook gasp in disbelief as he asked again," What do you mean? I don't get you..."

"ughh....nevermind." Jungkook groaned out.

After what seemed like ten minutes of silence, Jimin spoke out again. Jungkook was amazed by how much the kid could speak and babble all day long. But one thing he found out was that he was completely opposite of his Jungwon.

Jungkook always wanted his son to be this close to him, play with him and speak with him but due to huis busy schedule, he would be rarely at his home during Jungwon's holidays. So, Jungwon grew up to be more close to his mother than his father, leading to a guilty father that was Jungkook.

"Hey, Mr Jeon," Jimin called him again.

Jungkook let out a sigh but decided to reply to him since he called him 'Mr Jeon' and not...yeah.

"Yeah?" Jungkook said in a tired tone.

"Did you ever have an affair with anyone after your marriage?"

"What??!" Jungkook screeched almost as Jimin had spoken something forbidden.

"Affair? With anyone?" Jimin asked again, with no hesitance at all.

"Are you crazy or something?" Jungkook growled, his anger seeping off his vocals as he tightened his grip around the steering.

Jimin smiled and pulled his legs up on the seat, Jungkook's eyes following his movement again. "I mean, it's not like you would stop finding other people attractive once you've got married, right?" Jimin mumbled with his dreamy eyes wandering to Jungkook. " Didn't you meet anyone who made you feel like 'Damn...she's beautiful!"

Jimin slurred out like he was some gangster flirting with some girl. This made Jungkook dazed, he just kept staring at Jimin for a while. Jimin eyed Jungkook and used his hand to turn Jungkook's head to the road again which made Jungkook laugh out loud.

"what?" Jimin smiled, trying to find out what Jungkook felt funny. But Jungkook laughed even at more that, making Jimin more curious and impatient. "What?? Why....why are you laughing?" He babbled with and unconscious smile as he kneeled on the car seat and faced Jungkook.

"You always do this!!" Jimin yelled as he watched Jungkook laugh. " come on...tell me already!" Jimin started strangling Jungkook now.

He leaned near Jungkook, making the man hitch a breath as panic arouse in him. "Daddy..." Jimin whispered, reaching his hands out to Jungkook's face.

"stop-" Jungkook managed out one word before looking to the road again, but by now Jimin had already left his seat and was proceeding to his new seat...Jungkook's lap. "Jimin don't." He spoke again.

But Jimin was a stubborn kid. If he said he wants something he means it and he even knows the ways to get those out. "Tell me the joke, will you? I wanna laugh too.." He smiled as he leaned very close to Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook gulped a huge lump, Jimin smirking at that instantly and showed no signs of backing off. But Jungkook tried his best not to lose his shit and crash both of themselves to death. He tightened his grip around the steering and took a deep breath. "Jimin, I'm telling you for the last time stop with your acts, now..." he groaned in a deep and scary voice.

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