chapter 44

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*the smut y'all byuntaes wanted*

"Fuck it-"

Jungkook curses and yanks Jimin by the waist. He pushes the boy agaisnt the wall and kissed him passionately.

Jimin smiles against the kiss as if he was known of what to come. Like he already expected it to happen. He wraps his arm around the mans neck and parts his lips, sucking on his bottom lip.

And they end up inside Jungkook's bedroom. No not Jungkook's...its Haeun's and Jungkook's bedroom.

Though they've slept together in the bed for years...they never made love to each other, not as far as Jungkook remembers.

He pushes Jimin on his bed and pulls off his pants and underwear, only leaving him in his oversized baby blue sweater, his anklet and a silver locket that he had on.

Then the man makes his way between his thighs. Jimin sucks in air and takes a grabful of Jungkook's damr brown locks. The man kisses his inner thighs, the sounds of the wet kisses making Jimin more turned on. He gasps and nudges his head forward when Jungkook licks around his rim. Jungkook parts his lips and laces it firmly on the boy's skin, now sucking it deliberately.


Jimin whimpers when he feels Jungkook's fingers slowly pushing inside of his rim. The fingers keep getting added and then start thrusting in and out of him.

Jimin arcs his back and clenches bedsheets on either side, making his sweater roll down, revealing his tummy, his chest and his sensitive nipples. One of his hand is near his mouth as he sucks on his finger, showing how desperate need while the other hand tangles in Jungkook's hair.

His eyes are squeezed shit and his mouth is wide open as Jungkook keeps pleasuring him both inside out.

Jungkook leans over and grins at the boy's state. "Never thought my bed would get to see something like this-" Jungkook groans and pulls Jimin up on his lap.

Jimin can't help but wonder at his words. Why would he say that? Didn't he had sex with Haeun? And even if...why not?

Jungkook cups his ass cheeks and litters his chest with kisses. Jimin wraps his arm around the man's neck and keeps moaning, feeling his nipples getting licked and sucked and bitten.

"Aahhh~" he escapes a sinful moan and throws his head back when Jungkook rubs his tip over his hole.

"Jimin..." Jungkook groans. "Fuck yourself on me."

Oh Damn.

Jimin thought he'd cum just by his words. That low groan, that fucking phrase, from the mouth of such a hot human who was literally naked and right below Jimin right now.

"Come on, baby." Jungkook says and pushes Jimin's blonde hair back, tugging it behind his hair. He grabs his face with one hand and pulls him closer to his lips. "Show daddy what can you do with those pretty hands. Show me how will you use myself in you. How well can you ride daddy's dick-"

He groans agaisnt his lips before pulling him in for another sensual kiss. Jimin moans through out the kiss, just thinking about Jungkook's words.

He gets on his knees and grabs Jungkook's dick, positioning it agaisnt himself, he let's out a moan. And another moan as the tip slolwy enters inside, tearing him up.

He shuts his eyes as he sinks down on his dick completely. He parts his mouth wide open and throws his head back  like he's unabel to escape even a moan rigt now. He kneels up slightly and sits down gradually again.

"Just like that-" Jungkook growls and grips on his hips, controlling his movements.

Jimin spreads his thighs further on either side of Jungkook's  trunk, his hands resting on the man's chest the whole time he rode him.

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