chapter 11

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"You have a bad habit I see, Mr Jeon?"Jimin smiled with his hands behind his back.

The older didn't want to admit the fact that he was caught but it was the truth. He tried to keep it within himself but couldn't, ending up coughing as he turned his head to the other side.

"W-what?" he shuttered after he cleared his throat, his mind forgot that Jimin is not a five-year-old but a mentally matured eighteen-year-old.

"Are you dumb or do you think I'm dumb?" The smaller raised a brow, rather sarcastically.

Jungkook just kept quiet and watched Jimin sit on the bench beside him, his palms pressed on his either side as he dangled his legs back and forth from the bench.

Just then, Jungkook's eyes went to Jimins small hands. "Did you eat something?" He asked Jimin and looked at his face again.

Jimin nodded and looked at Jungkook. "I did, don't worry," he said but got startled when Jungkook grabbed his hand and pulled it near his face.

Jimin would admit it made his heart beat faster and his mind not getting enough time to even format what was going on. But then he sight when he realised the older was just checking fingernails that were blood stained.

"You have a bad habit too, I see..." Jungkook muttered and raised a brow at Jimin his hand still on the older's grip.

Jimin gulped as his stared at the man giving him a leading expression. And to be honest he looked more hot than he already was this way.

"I-" he started as he pulled his hand back go himself. "I have many bad habits you still are unknown to, Mr Jeon," he added.

Jungkook didn't understand a hat he was talking about until Jimin stretched his palm towards the man, like he was asking for something.

Jungkook looked at his hand and back at him. "What do you want?"

"Pretty sure you didn't buy just a stick to smoke or did you?"

He knew what the kid was pointing to but he also didn't wanna believe it for a moment. After a lot of thinking, he raised his hand gripped it onto the half-burnt cigarette and cocked a brow.

Jimin nodded in response. "Give me one," he ordered the man.

"You smoke?" He asked a bit shocked, but getting on Jimin's nerves now.

"Yes, sir I do." His tone sounded annoyed. He watched Jungkook's other hand was holding onto the packet. "Wouldn't ask you for one if I didn't," he said sassily and snatched it from Jungkook, making the man gasp in panic.

"Wait...." Jungkook huffed, his hand reaching to grab it back from Jimin but the boy already had a stick between his lips. "You-" He tried to speak until his gaze fell on his lips. Those plump, glossy, faint pink coloured lips looked so luscious and not as if they belonged to a smoker. "You shouldn't be smoking Jimin. It's bad for you," he finally spoke out.

"Same goes for you old man," Jimin teased him, nudging his head with the cigarette between his teeth.

Jungkook sighed and faced the other way. "Exactly, I'm an old man. And I've already lived my years. You're young and have still so much to see, do, to experience. Don't waste your life in the-"

Jungkook was cut off by Jimin's sudden leaning. His face was so close to his own, his hand pressed on the bench beside Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't know what was happening or why the small boy does close to him, close enough to kiss him but he didn't seem to care that for the moment. He started at Jimin's both brown eyes precisely, then to his lips.

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