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Jungkook Pov:

Everyone must be mad at me right?

I mean I know I've done things that can't be forgiven. That aren't even worthy of forgiveness.

That I did to Namjoon hyung, Aecha and her daughter, Taehyung, Haeun, Jungie, and Jimin.


Hmm he was my biggest mistake. Or should I say my best mistake?

He was my son's bestfriend.

When he arrived in our house five year back, I never imagined that my thoughts about him would change so much. I never thought he'd change me so much.

I didn't expect this boy to make me realise the importance to give yourself care and love. To feed yourself with needs that you are longing for.

All these years, I felt trapped. Trapped behind those walls, even though I was at abroad for a business. I still felt chained up and tied up because I knew at the end I had to return back to that house.

I had to face the wife I never wanted, the son who turned out unfortunate and my life which never favoured me.

Can you imagine being with the person you can't never love for eighteen years? Can you imagine having a kid with them and raising them and just pretending to be fine with your life when you dying on the inside?

Can you pretend to be happy even after knowing your best friend drugged you just to make a family out of you?

Could you?


After sending Jimin off with Tae, Jungkook wasn't in his right mind.

Even after crying hours outside the station in his car, he still had tears left for years.

But the thing he had in his heart at the moment was one thing.

He quickly wiped his tears and drove back to his house.

He barged inside the gates and in to the house. And soo enough he meets gaze with Haeun who is currently in the kitchen, sitting at the dinning with her head in her hands.

Her eyes are swollen and they seemed like she'd cried out alot too.

She gets on her feet, a small expression of surprise forming in her face. She looks rather excited or more over happy when she sees him.

"Jungkook..." she whispers when he nears her.

Jungkook grabs her shoulder. "I'm not back to be a part of your lives Haeun." he says boldly.

Haeun's smile that hadn't even formed properly sets back into a big frown.

"I don't even want to." he says. "I just have one question to you,"

He takes a deep breath and looks through her eyes.

"Why would you do this to me?"

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