chapter 35

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"Mr Jeon..."

"M-Mr Jeon?"

Jimin surged around the room.

"W-where are you?"

His voice shaky as he fumbled around the curtains, scrambling from rooms to rooms but got no sign of the man.


He felt it. He felt the cold wind hitting his back, making him bend down and crouch on the floor like a ball.

"I'm sorry....I-I'm sorry," he sobbed, his shoulders shaking as his tears dripped on the wooden floor.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you to.....I- " he hiccuped and rubbed his eyes more. "...I shouldn't have crossed the line."

He was scared.

He was afraid.

He was alone, all again.

But there was no one to help him. The man who's heart he thought he managed to win was a lie.

"p-please come back. Don't leave me-"

His life was a lie.


He screamed at the top of his lungs until a hand grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closed, his head crashing to somebody's chest.

He fluttered his eyes slolwy, tears sliding down his long lashes as he tried to focus on the person before him through his blurry vision.

And there he was.

His man.

The man wrapped his arms around the boy's trunk tightly but letting him breath in and out, gradually.

"nightmare?" He whispered around Jimin's bare shoulders.

"hmm..." Jimin nodded with a sniff, his tears dripping down his cheeks with each blink.

Jungkook pulled over and gripped on his either sides. He lowered his face a little to have a view of him since the kid had hung his head down.

"I-I thought you l-left me..." he mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"Left you?" the older raised a brow, with a tone of tease in his vocals.

"Yes. I shouldn't have-....I'm sorry, Mr Jeon. I shouldn't have forced you into this. I know I crossed my line last night. I understand, it you're disappointed in me...b-but please don't leave me."

Jimin finally raised his head and met gaze with the man's. His tears still spilling out fresh and free, his mouth twitching up to leave a cry and hid eyes wavering like they were hurt.

Hurt really bad.

"I don't wanna be alone anymore....p-please-"

Jungkook frowned at the boy's state, he never in the world felt the need and the urge to just take in someone in his embrace and never pull over until he was out of breath.

He cupped his face, squishing his cheeks on the either side. "I'm never gonna leave you Jimin. Why would you even assume that I'm upset with you?"

"Because last night-"

"Listen." he jagged the boy a little to bring him back to his senses. "Last night was something you wanted and I wanted. We both wanted it and it's done. You don't have to apologise to me for being you, Jimin. Because I like you this way."

Jimin burst into tears, diving deep into his man's chest, hugging him like he deserved to be hugged.

Jungkook smiled, his hands dragging across the boy's bare back. Jimin was still naked from last night, though Jungkook had put on some clothes.

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