Bonus Chapter- 1

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(a picture to give y'all
more feel to the scene)

(a picture to give y'all more feel to the scene)

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~Three years later~


"Dadiii waak up"

Jimin opens one eyelid, heavy from sleep. He lifts an eyebrow but his eyelids fall shut again.


"Huh?!" Jimin gasps for air and springs his eyes wide open this time. "What-. . .what who's dead?" he shutters in his sleep, trying to regain his memory.

Then he remembers, he's in his room. He was sleeping sound and now he woke up. . . to who you ask?

Jimin lifts his head and looks at the round black sparkling eyes staring at him, blinking in between. He can sense it's early because there is no sunlight entering from the window. He stretches his hand and lifts his phone.

"What is it Jungminnie?" Jimin squints his eyes at the bright light of his screen almost making him blind. He views the fime and keeps his phone down, still sleepy.

"Dadii, Dungminnie peepee"

"Oh okay . . .' Jimin nods and shuts his eyes, goes back to sleep again. But seconds after he realises what he said and springs out of the bed with the boy in his arms. "Hold on baby- " he says and rushes to the bathroom.

He is yawning and scratching his head with one hand as he hold's the boy with other hand while returning back.

He puts the boy on the bed and lays down beside him, pulling the covers over both of them.

But he realises he's been staring. He opens one eye and yes, he was correct, the kid still staring at him with wide awake hawk eyes.

"now what?" Jimin groans and buries his face on the pillow.

"Dungminnie go tul."

"It's five in the morning kid. You have time for school." Jimin mumbles with his eyes shut.

"Daaadiiii. . ." the kid tries to lifts his head.

"Just sleep." Jimin pulls him down on the bed and hugs him tightly, making the kid giggle.

After what seemed like ten minutes, both of them were snoring in their sleep.

The kid seemed peaceful and slept sound in his arms. Jimin's.

Yes, it's the same Jimin that was a rich spoiled kid someday. The same boy who didn't gave a fuck about anyone and anything and just lived his life without an objective.

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