Chapter 53- Final

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Jimin raises a brow.

"Hi....Jimin," the boy replies.

"What're you doing here? When did you come to Busan?"

Taehyung doesnt seem to answer right away. "I...uh-" Taehyung hesitates.

Jimin looks at him with a questionable stare, his eyes finally darting to Taehyung's hands. 

Taehyung follows his gaze and looks at his own hands. "Oh this..." he says and stretches it to Jimin. "This is for you-"

Jimin looks at the drink and back at Taehyung. He takes it from his hand anyway. "umm...thanks for this but how did you know about the drink? I mean I never told you to bring one,"

"Oh I saw you a while ago entering this train. I was going to bring myself something to drink and since you were the same ride as mine I thought you of bringing something for you too. So..." Taehyung laughs, very awkward one according to Jimin.

Jimin shakes his head. "Anyways. You going back to Seoul too?"

"Yes, yes...I am" Tae nods with a smile.

"Okay Where's your seat?" Jimin asks scanning around the cabin.

"Here." Tae points beside Jimin.

Jimin looks at the boy and scoffs. "This seat is taken for your kind information. I am expecting someone, he has gone out for a moment," Jimin says with his hands folded against his chest.

"No Jimin. This is my seat, I have the ticket, look-" Tae shows views him the ticket slip.

"what-" Jimin gasps. He grabs the ticket and nears his eyes. "This ticket...was earlier with-" He looks up at Tae. "Where did you find this ticket?"

"I bought it."

"Don't lie!" Jimin yells and stands up. "Who gave it to you??"

"Jimin calm down. Sit down for a moment. " Tae assures him.

"No no no no..." Jimin shakes his head and squeezes outside his seat but Tae blocks his way. "Get out of my way, Tae."

"I'm sorry I can't-" Tae shakes his head.

"What the fuck?? Who are you to stop me?" Jimin pushes his chest but Tae grabs his hand firmly.

"Jimin listen to me." he says griping onto his hand, while Jimin tries to pull it off.

"Let go, Tae. Please...I have to go look for someone. Please, this isn't a joke anymore. I-"

"You still don't get it do you?" Tae frowns making Jimin go blue black. Jimin gulps and shakes his head.

"He is gone, Jimin."

I love you Jimin.

"He left you."

I really loved you.

"n-no..." Jimin shakes his head "This can't be happening.  You-" he pushes Taehyung. "You are lying. Fucking let go of me!"

Jimin cried as Tae watched him helplessly. There was nothing Tae could do. Except keep the promise he had made with someone.

~flashback ~

"Is this Taehyung?"

"yes? Who am I speaking to?" Tae says against the phone.

"I want you to come to Busan to take Jimin back to Seoul,"

"excuse me?"

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