chapter 14

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Jungkook shut his eyes, Jimin's scent filling up his nostrils and tingling his nasal mucosa giving him a feeling he couldn't describe.

He was so lost in Jimin's aura that he didn't realise how close his lips were to press against Jimin's ears.

And he did.

Jimin shivered, a sharp current ran through his entire body making his skin wake up with goosebumps all over it.

The smaller shut his eyes and gripped harder onto Jungkook's wrist, leaning his head further back to give access of his neck and ear and whatever the man needed of.

Jungkook's grip around his waist went tighter as he placed another kiss right on Jimin's ear.

And this time Jimin couldn't control his sealed voices. A soft yet low moan escaped his lips, after getting a wet but warm sensation of the chaste kiss on his ear which according to him felt so good.

Jungkook sprung his eyes open, wider than ever. He inhaled a sharp breath in before pushing Jimin off his lap.

"Ow..." Jimin groaned, palming his ass as he had hit the ground roughly at Jungkook's sudden action. "What is this, Mr Jeo-"

Before he could even complete his sentence Jungkook had barged out of the room, like was suffocated in there. 

Jimin got on his feet and patted the dirt pff his pants. He quenched his eyes and pulled a pout.

"Aishh....why you gotta be like this?" He whined and left the room, heading straight to Jungwon's bedroom now.


The next morning was hectic.

Jungwon had woken up late and Haeun had a big problem packing all his stuffs,  looking for everything in advance so that he wouldn't have missed anything.
And yes, Haeun was an excellent mother. She never failed at her responsibilities when it came to Jungie.

"Jungie did you take you power bank?!"
she yelled from te kitchen, her hands working fast as ever as she packed the snacks for them to eat on the way.

"I did!!" Jungwon yelled back as he cams out of the room, dragging luggage behind him.  He got them in the car and walked inside the house again.

Suddenly Haeun appeared in front of him with two lunch box in her hands. "For you and Jimin. One had the tuna kimchi gimbap and the other one has cheese. Make sure you two share everything and done fight okay?"

Jungwon nodded with a smile and too the lunch boxes. "Mom, water?" he asked and she widened her eyes.

"Oh my god...I-I forgot.  Just wait a minute-" she panicked as she ran back to the kitchen making Jungwon laugh.

Jungwon was about to walk out when he noticed a confused Jinin wandering back and forth the rooms.

"Yo!" he called out and Jimin gave him  glimpse. "What's up? What are you looking for? Aren't you ready?"

"No, it's nothing," Jinin mumbled and walked inside the room again.

Jungwon just shrugged his shoulders and walked to the car.

Jimin was looking for him, Jungkook. But he couldn't find the man since morning. Not in his study not in the bathroom, kitchen backyard, lawn, nowhere.

He wanted to talk to the man for the last time since they couldn't after what happened last night. And he knew he couldn't talk to Jungkook about it later because Jungwon will be present too in the car.

Jimin hissed when he failed in finding the man. He heard Jungwon calling him and decided to give it up.

He walked to the car and peeped to the driver's seat, getting disappointed by the stranger man inside.

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