chapter 12

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The following days spent quite quickly for Jungkook. With presence of Jimin beside him all the time he was entertained, annoyed and whatever he had never felt before.

As for Jimin, he was literally a weird kid. No one could understand what he did and what he said not even his best friend Jungwon.

And the day when Jungkook nearly choked on his tea by Jimin called him Daddy in front of everyone was the most memorable ever. The way Jungkook distracted everyone by telling them he'd take the kids for a drive to his cousins house, Seri. And that indeed made Jungwon and Haeun not into 'The daddy' thing much.

Jungwon reached towards the front door but his hands were slapped off by Jimin. "Get back. I'm sitting here-" he ordered in his older voice.

"Noooo. You sat here when you guys went to the states too!! It's my turn no-"

"I said sit back-" Jimin groaned in a deep voice making Jungwon roll his eyes and go to the back seat mumbling and grunting all the way.

Since he knew Jimin had anger issues and was pretty bad at managing them. And being familiar with his stubbornness Jungwon decided to not argue with the hot-tempered lad and ruin his mood just before the trip.

Jungkook appeared a minute later in his blue jeans, white sneakers and a loose black t-shirt held dearly onto his lean body. The blond-haired eyed him as he walked out of the house up to the car.

He sat in the driver's seat and noticed a weird vibe between the two boys. What was more shocking was the fact that unwon was sitting at the backseat when Jungkook knows how he loves to sit in the front and enjoy the scenery.

"Jungie..." He called out and turned his head, the bit just staring outside the glass with a dull expression. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh he said he misses his cousin very much that's why he looks sad," Jimin interrupted making Jungkook raise a brow at him in suspicion. " Oh come on, hurry up now Mr Jeon!! I want to meet her too." He squealed.

Jungkook just chuckled a breath and started the engine driving off to Seri's. Her house was not far from there's. But since Jungwon and Jimin suggested stopping on the way to take some pictures, it took a while for them to reach there.

What seemed like forever to Jimjn, after twenty minutes of ride, Jungkook pulled over a big gate that was hidden under branches and limbs of beautiful flowers and leaves.

Jungwon got off the car without Jungkook could even move. "I'll get her!!" He screamed and walked inside the gate.

"You're not going in?" Jimin turned his head to the man.

He shook his head and kept staring at his hand around the steering. "It's better if I don't." He mumbled but Jimin couldn't understand what he meant by that.

Jimin decided to ignore the gloomy man's gloomy vibe and looked back at the gate again. When his eyes fell on the name plate on the huge pillar beside the gate written 'THE KIMS'.

Shortly Jungwon came out of the house with a brown-haired girl as same height as Jungwon trotting behind him. Jungkook got out of the car and gif a tight embrace from her as he patted her head with a smile.

"All good?" Jungkook asked as he nodded in response.

"You won't come inside? Mom was asking for you..." She mumbled.

Jungkook just smiled and shook his head. "Next time. Tell her I'll come to visit her along with Haeun, " he said and she nodded like an obedient child she was.

Until she heard the sound of the door opening, her head turning to follow the sound immediately and falling on the boy who stood on the other side. Her eyes fixed on the boy as the lad stared at her from the other side too.

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