What Do You Mean?

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It had been a long two weeks on a mission and you were just ready to get home to your own bed and to your family.

This has been the longest you've been away from your sister Natasha since her and Yelena were reunited a couple months ago. Like Natasha and Yelena you weren't related to them through blood, you didn't even go through the red room with them. But when Nat found you at Hydra more than 5 years ago she became your family and you became hers. The day she called you her sister was one of the best days of your life.

Nat didn't introduce you to Yelena until they had been reunited for a couple months, and things were still going great. It wasn't until she introduced you to Yelena did things change. Your weekly meetups became non existent, instead she traded it in for time with Yelena. And at first you understood. Nat had spent so much time away from Yelena that you didn't blame her for wanting to spend time with her. Especially now since Yelena had just moved into the compound.

But when she introduced you to her, it did hurt when she introduced you as a member of the team. Over the next 5 months nothing seemed to get better, it got worse. You were slowly loosing the only family you had left.

Everything came to head when you got ready for your yearly dinner together to both your favorite restaurant to celebrate that mission where she saved you.

You sat at the restaurant for 2 hours before finally giving up and heading home. You came home to find Natasha and Yelena on the couch, watching a movie and drinking wine. At that point you lost it.

Natasha saw you come in and asked if you had a hot date. To which you responded, yes with my sister...
Nat didn't even bat an eye as she responded asking about your sister, knowing you had no one left.

You stood there dumbfounded as you asked her "what do you mean Nat, I'm talking about you." You continued on to remind her about the date, hoping and praying she would remember.

You knew you had truly lost her when she venomously spat out "You. Are. Not. My. Sister, and you most certainly aren't my family."

Tears pricked your eyes as you asked her if that's why she's been cutting you out over the last five months. Responded simply with "yes, Yelena is my family and we already have enough red in our ledger without having to deal with your HYDRA drama."

Tears streamed down your face as you whispered
"I'm sorry Nat, I'm sorry for believing you were my family."

You walked out of the room realizing you truly were alone...


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