Im Done pt 2

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It wasn't until early the next morning were either of them able to slip out of your room. Both of their jaws dropped with how the compound was decorated.

"Congratulations Peter" was written everywhere. On banners, on signs... but nothing had your name on it. They spent the morning trying to get you to avoid the kitchen and common area.

But as you finally made your way downstairs you were able to take in everything around you. From the celebration happening to your mom completely ignoring you. You willed the tears away as you headed to graduation.

It couldn't get any worse could it.


The last straw was when you finally walked across the stage to get your diploma and your mom and the team (minus Maria and Carol) had their faces stuffed in their phones. That was until three names later when Peters name was called and they were loudest family (if you could call them that) there.

While the rest of the avengers gathered around Peter you slipped away. Well you thought.

Your Aunt Carol followed you as Maria said she would take care of everything else. She followed you to the hidden pond behind the compound where the two of you spent hours sitting in the sun.

"Aunt Carol" you whispered, earning a "hmm" from her urging you to continue.

"Do you know what I did wrong?" You asked as tears started to line your eyes and you couldn't will them away anymore. Before she could even talk or answer you, you choked back a sob before talking again.

"I just wanted to be like her and protect people. So I started protecting people from bullies. I never fought back or anything, I just stopped others from getting hurt... that's what she taught me. And now, now I'm alone... my own mom doesn't even listen to my side or care. She pushed me away and Peter became the child she always wanted. The smart one, the unproblematic golden child that she had always dreamed for. And me...I've always been the problem of the avengers. Never smart enough, never strong enough, the one who was always in trouble... the black sheep."

A sob ripped through your chest before you were able to continue, but what said almost broke Carol.

"I use to have nothing, and then I met this team... this family. And then Natasha became my mom. And I was better off, I had someone to aspire to be like. Until I wasn't enough anymore. I thought her love, mama's love was unconditional. I thought that's how a family is supposed to be. But I never imagined that she would cast me aside so easily like my parents did."

Carol's heart broke to the point that it practically shattered when you had finished talking. The entire team knew how bad your biological parents were, especially once they rescued you from a joint Hydra/red room base that both your parents were in charge of. And when you finally trusted them enough to not only open up to them, but to see them as family the sun shined a little brighter.

But now, now it was as if it had a constant cloud over it. And it pained Carol to think that you believed you were truly alone, that someone (in this case Natasha and the team) would ever treat you like your biological parents did.

"Sweetie can you look at me" she asked. And when you did she continued.

"You my sweet, sweet baby are not alone. You are more than what you think you've become. The way you've been treated is wrong, and your aunt Maria is taking care of it. But the minute we became your aunts is the minute that we made a promise to always be there for you, to always love you and to always protect you."

Tears started to brim carols eyes as they were freely falling from yours.

"If that means that I have to protect you from this team and Natasha I will. If it means permanently moving home to be your family consider it done. You my sweet girl, have done everything right and you deserve to be loved the right way. Unconditionally. You baby have never, ever been the problem and I'm so incredibly proud of you for standing up for others at school. You should have that celebration in there too."

She wiped your tears before saying,

"You, my sweet girl are my hero and promise you that I will spend however long it takes proving to you that you deserve and are worthy of the love of this family and your mom."

And with that the two you finally made your way inside after sun had set. You both entered a quiet and still room before you headed upstairs to your room and Carol stayed behind. She stood against the door as Everyone else was staring at Maria as she had spent the last half hour basically screaming at the team, mostly Natasha about how they have treated you. She showed them every interaction at school, showed them photos of the bruises, pointed out all the main milestones of your withdrawal from the team.

As you made your way up the stairs you missed the one last point Maria made to them.

"I hope you all enjoyed the celebration you had for Peter and watching him walk across the stage..."

Maria paused and pulled up the photo from you walking across the stage and next to it a photo of the team on their phones before she said directly to Natasha.

"Because three people before him your daughter graduated too, but you were too busy looking at your phones to care. To busy being "done with her" to notice your daughter slipping through the cracks. For some master assassin you truly suck at reading people and finding out the truth. You've messed up, and Carol and I have had to step in. You'd be lucky if she ever trusts you again."

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