I'm Done

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Once again you found yourself grounded after yet another incident at school. This is the fourth time within the last few weeks.

You've come to know and be known as the "failure" amongst the avengers and most importantly your mom. While you would never tell them you hear their comments and conversations, doesn't mean it didn't chip away at your heart a little more.

It wasn't like you were trying to be bad. But when you weren't as smart as Peter or his friend Ned and you had come to terms with that, so you moved on to standing up to the bullies at school. As a senior there wasn't much they could do. It wasn't like you were skipping class or not turning in work, no you were weeks ahead of your work and you have only missed class when you were actually sick.

But you kept getting caught up with the bullies who were verbally and at times physically abusing others. And instead of the bullies getting in trouble, it was you.

You were the kid of an avenger, so you had a higher standard and thus a higher profile making it always somehow your fault.

You tried to explain your side to your mom and the avengers, but they never wanted to hear it. The only one who did was your aunt Maria and occasionally your Aunt Carol when she wasn't fighting space aliens.

However you should have known this was the last straw. They threatened withholding your diploma, making Nat furious.

You had been sitting in your room for hours now and with dinner time having past and your mom not coming to get you, you decided to head down to the kitchen to get food.

As soon as you made it to the doorway you knew you should have stayed in your room.

In the kitchen/common area sat your mom, aunt Maria, uncle Tony and uncle Steve. They were discussing your current grounding and situation. Your mom was venting to her friends/family and you know you shouldn't be listening to their conversation but you couldn't move. It's like you were frozen in place.

You could hear your mom getting more and more frustrated as she talked to her friends. Maria tried to step in and tell her to listen to your side of the story. There was always more to the story, and Maria knew that. She just wish Nat would take the time to listen.

But Maria was abruptly cut off when Nat said "I don't care. I over it and I'm over her. I'm done"

Your breath hitched and as your feet became unfrozen to the ground you turned to leave with tears flowing down your face.

As you turned to walk, well run back to your room you slammed into your uncle Bucky. You didn't even apologize and he couldn't even ask what was wrong before you were gone.

As he walked into the kitchen/common area he asked the group why you left here crying.

Natasha froze.

So did Maria.

But Tony, being the ass he is decided now was the time to say something smart and kind of condescending. "Well look now you don't have to worry about it. You get your break and chance to be done."

If looks could kill your Uncle Tony would have been dead on the spot.

You knew your mom, if you could even call her that at this point would come to your room. So you had F.R.I.D.A.Y alert you to when she was in the elevator on her way up.

When you got the alert you wiped your eyes, steeled your emotions  (just as your mom taught you) and got back to work on your homework.

Which is how she found you. Sitting at your desk doing your homework.

"Hey sweetie" she said. "You ok?"

"Perfectly fine, thank you." You responded.

Nat sighed as she knew what you were doing so she got up to leave you alone. You went to bed that night without dinner and Nat went to bed thinking that tomorrow everything would be ok. But what she didn't know is exactly how much of an impact her conversation with everyone would have on you. That those few words, piled onto the words and comments from previous conversations finally had the weight to drown you in them.

First you stopped going out. Only leaving your room to go to school, eat and train. Your mom loved that you were finally taking initiative to be "a better version."

If only she knew.

Next you stopped coming out of your room and talking to people. You left for school and to eat. But even then you barely ate and when you did you simply grabbed food and went straight back to your room.

When you stopped talking is when other people noticed. Maria was the first to notice, and her worry only grew as the weeks went on. It got worse when she found Carol called her using one of three special space devices to talk. The only other two people who had one were you and Uncle Nick. But when Carol called concerned and said she was coming home for you, her worry only grew.

She became the one to bring you food when you stopped coming out to eat. She needed to make sure you were ok, you were far from it but at least if she brought you food she could usually get you to eat some of it and would sit with you.

But she was also the one to look into every "incident" that happened at school. Guess how easy it was to hack into the security system and compile all the footage that proved everything you tried to say was true.

All the "fights."

All the verbal attacks to you.

All the hidden bruises.

All of it she had a copy of, and it's currently saved on her computer so she can talk to Nat.

Wanda was the next to know. She could feel your emotions as they were stronger than anyone else's in the compound. The feeling of sadness and loneliness amongst other things hit her in waves. She tried asking Maria what happened but she got nothing as Maria wouldn't say anything.

She gasped when she got a peak into your mind, but god her her heart sank when she found Maria's video folder with all "incidents" at school.

This went on for months and you were going to be able it to graduate, but there was no excitement no nothing from you. And Maria's concern only continued to grow, whereas your mom was beyond elated that you stopped your "bad kid" ways and finished the last 6 months with no incidents. For a master spy she was really blind to her own kid.

But the last straw was Maria coming in when you crying. You don't cry, and Maria had only seen it one other time... when your mom was severely injured and you thought she wasn't going to make it.

When Maria entered your room while you were crying she almost dropped the tray of food while you tried to hide it. But you were sobbing so hard you were starting to hyperventilate.

She quickly put the tray down and made her way to kneel in front of you.

"Baby, I need you to breath... come on in and out" Maria said as she brought you into her arms.

You spent the the next 15 minutes sobbing and shaking in her arms.

Bucky and Steve both passed by the door to see you crying. Neither of them had ever seen you cry, it was like time stood still. Until they were shoved out of the way by a very concerned and worried Captain Marvel.

They knew something was up when Carol entered your room and closed the door. Especially because they haven't seen her in months, she was being busy in space. But if she was here, right now... well something was very wrong.

The night before you graduated was spent sobbing and shaking in your aunts arms. Both furious with how blind Nat could be to what was really going on. Both both even more concerned with you and you not only felt alone, but had lost all sparkle to you.

There was no more smiling, barely any eating and the once vibrant person you were became a hollow shell.



And you've never felt more alone.

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