Let It Be Me

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There you stood, next to Clint staring at the plaque honoring the avengers in New York. You had met Clint a few times being Natasha's sister and occasional avenger, but now, well now you had been staying with him since the final battle with Thanos.

God did you wish you could talk to Nat. During the blip she was all you had for five years, and now she was just gone. And Yelena was not only MIA, but she was ignoring your calls. Which is what led you to helping Clint and Kate in New York.

But it seemed that everywhere you turned was a reminder of Nat. A reminder of the older sister no longer on earth and another reminder of the other older sister who stopped talking to you. Little did you know she was in New York to kill Clint.

After a few days you had helped Kate try and stop Yelena and as the three of you stood next Clint everything Yelena was feeling came to a head.

You found out that she blamed you and Clint for Nat's death. What she wouldn't tell you is that she jealous that you got five years with Nat, but that Nat also got five years with you. All she wanted was her family, and she lost one sister and blamed the other.

With Clint lying on the floor you ran to stop her from hurting him.

"Yelena stop. That's enough it wasn't his fault. He did, we did everything we could" you pleaded with her.

But it did little to help.

"YOU GOT FIVE YEARS WITH HER" she yelled. "And it's all your fault" she stood there ready to finish her mission.

You went to turn around to check on Clint before you heard her say "it should have been you."

Tears brimmed your eyes as you turned and in a shaken voice said "what?"

Yelena stood there. Unmoving, not saying anything.

You looked at the floor with tears streaming down your face before muttering "you're right, at least then I wouldn't be alone and you'd have Nat."

And with that you dropped your weapon and started walking away and as you reached the edge of the ice rink you were on you heard Clint whistle your secret whistle that you both had with Nat. And just as you were about to officially lose sight of them you saw Clint hug Yelena. At least she had forgiven or started to forgive one of you.

But what you didn't see once you left was Clint sit down and explain everything to Yelena.

From the teams that were sent to the different stones, to the "guide" on Vormir, to the three of you realizing what the sacrifice had to be, to you originally being the one to jump but Nat saved you with the grappling hook, to you begging Nat to let it be you because you knew Yelena would need her more than you. Everyone did.

Yelena sat there with tears in her eyes processing everything Clint had told her.

"Yelena you may be mad at her, but she tried to throw herself off that cliff so that you had Nat to come back to because she didn't think she was important to you."

And as Yelena continued to sit there Clint continued to talk, shocked at what she's hearing.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you, but Yelena all she's done since you came back from the blip was make sure you're ok even though she not anywhere near ok herself."

Yelena's head snapped up to look at Clint as she asked him what he meant.

"When you are the one thing thats stopping one of the people you love most from falling to their death only to fail and watch them die anyways... well it changes you. But especially her, Yelena she's only a couple years younger than you are now. Imagine going through that a couple years ago. Not just that but she's alone. She's isolated herself from everyone left because she thinks we're better off without her. She thinks she has no one left but you Yelena, and you've completely cut her out. Over what? It wasn't her fault you got blipped and she didn't. And now, well now she's nothing but a shell who mourns both her sisters that she lost to Thanos."

And with that Clint got up to leave. "I have to make it home to my kids for Christmas, but you know how to get a hold of me if you need it."

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